Kobaly Consulting Manipulated and Parsed MS Word files in Medical Transcription Software using APIs

About Kobaly Consulting

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In the Medical Transcription industry, Microsoft Word is the preferred application for transcribing documents. With that in mind, any additional processing of the transcribed documents had to be offloaded to a server machine so as not to interfere with the Medical Transcriptionist (MT) transcribing new documents. With Aspose.Words for .NET, we managed to incorporate real-time document processing of previous jobs and still enabled the MTs to continue using Word to transcribe the next job.

Requirements Scenario

The major requirement was that Microsoft Word could not be used, so not to interfere with the Transcription workflow. We also wanted the ability to process documents in a fast and reliable manner and utilize the strength of our .NET developer’s skills. Our final requirement was a Developer OEM Subscription that provided royalty-free distribution rights since the application would be deployed over a large number of Transcription machines.

Solution Implementation

After reviewing multiple products, Aspose.Words for .NET appeared to be the best fit for many reasons.

  • Very extensive API with the ability to cover all of our needs at manipulating/parsing Word documents
  • Based on the .NET platform
  • The unbelievable speed at processing documents

Currently, the client runs a windows application that monitors for completed Word documents. Once completed, the application processes the document and captures some key business metrics that are stored in a local SQL database. The MT is also informed of the results utilizing an Outlook-style popup window (See Figure 1 below).

These results are also uploaded to a billing server eliminating the need for the Medical Transcriptionist to handle submitting their weekly results manually.


The Aspose.Words for .NET product was very easy and intuitive to develop with. Being based on .NET, there was a minimal learning curve. Other benefits that became evident when we started testing our application were:


It was an easy choice to go with Aspose.Words for .NET. It clearly allowed for the quickest and most productive experience for the developers. The intuitive API provided us with the ability to prototype solutions quickly. The documentation, code samples, Technical Support, and active online community provided us with the assistance that we needed to produce a release to market as soon as possible. All of this confirmed our initial belief that Aspose.Words for .NET would satisfy all of our business needs.

Popup window showing productivity
Image 1:- Popup window showing Medical Transcriptionist Productivity