Monthly Archives: April 2008

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Released

Please welcome another release of our popular product – Aspose.Words for Reporting Services We’ve decided to skip a bunch of maintenance releases such as 2.1.X.X mainly because of a couple of new export formats implemented –

  • Hypertext markup language (HTML)
  • Plain text (TXT)

We could have added these formats much earlier (since the product is built on the top of Aspose.Words which supports both), but we were not quite sure the users really needed them. But we’ve recently figured out they did! … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose using Sitefinity CMS to manage its web content

Aspose is constantly in search of new ways to better serve our valuable customers. One of the latest efforts undertaken in this regard is the upgrading of Aspose website. We have moved few of our website modules onto Sitefinity CMS which is an ASP.NET based WYSIWYG Content Management System. Sitefinity CMS includes powerful controls developed by Telerik that made it easier for us to build our web pages quickly and in a more manageable way.


The new CMS based Continue Reading

Posted in Website Development |

Aspose Document Converters for SharePoint Server 2007

This is a brief update for an article I wrote about a year ago on how to create  Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 DOC to PDF (and other) document converters using Aspose components.

A Bit of History

We have published the article initially at CodeProject in the SharePoint section. The article was actually quite popular and received lots of hits. However, after a few months it was deleted by CodeProject. The reason given for deletion was “the article promotes a Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java Released

In this release, digital signature is supported. Form feature is improved. CJK font is supported in form filling and text stamping.

The features table at is updated. As you can see, many features in .NET version is now supported in Java version.

You can download it at
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Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

Cell.Style property vs Cell.GetStyle/SetStyle method

Since v4.4.2, we add two new methods to format a cell: Cell.GetStyle method and Cell.SetStyle method. 

So now you can use the following two ways to format a cell:

1. use Cell.Style property


cell.Style.Font.IsBold = true;


cell.Style.Font.IsBold = True

 2. use Cell.GetStyle and Cell.SetStyle method


Style style = cell.GetStyle();
style.Font.IsBold = true;


Dim style as Style = cell.GetStyle()
style.Font.IsBold = True

You can see that the first approach is easy and straight-forward. So why … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family | Tagged , , , ,

WorldMap used Aspose.Cells for .NET to collect Global data at a local level

About WorldMap

Mission Atlas Project icon

The World Missions Atlas Project (MAP) is an attempt to pick up the challenge Charles H. Fahs issued in 1925, namely to utilize the advances in computer and Internet technologies to establish an accurate base map of the world (at least a 1:1,000,000 projection).

Our mission has been comprehensive: To create maps of languages and people groups for each country of the world while linking appropriate missions related data. The status of each language and people group was … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family, Aspose.Cells, Success Stories | Tagged , ,

OOXML: Don’t Repeat Yourself 30 Times!

It struck me from the first day I saw the OOXML specification how “strange” it is. You know borders in MS Word. I mean those text, paragraph and table borders. Complete specfication for a border takes 6 pages in OOXML. I’d say it is a bit too much for such a simple thing as a border, but that’s okay, I guess the more detailed the spec the better.

The problem is that this 6 pages border specification is repeated in the OOXML … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Kobaly Consulting Manipulated and Parsed MS Word files in Medical Transcription Software using APIs

About Kobaly Consulting

Kobaly consulting logo

In the Medical Transcription industry, Microsoft Word is the preferred application for transcribing documents. With that in mind, any additional processing of the transcribed documents had to be offloaded to a server machine so as not to interfere with the Medical Transcriptionist (MT) transcribing new documents. With Aspose.Words for .NET, we managed to incorporate real-time document processing of previous jobs and still enabled the MTs to continue using Word to transcribe the next job.

Requirements Scenario

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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

Aspose Customer Newsletter, April 2008

In This Issue

  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight – Aspose.Tasks
  • Aspose.Words for Java has matured
  • Aspose.Cells for Java released
  • New Documentation module
  • Aspose.Words for Reporting Services released
  • CJK font in Form Field is supported by Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET
  • Aspose.Pdf for Java released
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET released
  • Aspose.BarCode for Java supports OneCode barcode
  • Technical Tip – Convert text file to PDF


Welcome to the April 2008 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter, we will provide

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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Müşteri E-Bülten, Nisan 2008

In This Issue

  • Hoş geldiniz!
  • Ürün Vitrini – Aspose.Tasks
  • Aspose.Words for Java daha da geliştirildi
  • Aspose.Cells for Java çıktı
  • Yeni Dokümantasyon modülü
  • Aspose.Words for Reporting Services çıktı
  • Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET, Form Field’da CJK yazı tipini destekliyor
  • Aspose.Pdf for Java çıktı
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET çıktı
  • Aspose.BarCode for Java, OneCode barkodu destekliyor
  • Teknik İpucu – metin dosyasını PDF’e çevirin

Hoş geldiniz

Aspose bülteninin Nisan 2008 sayısına hoş geldiniz! Bu ayki bültenimizde size vitrin ürünü Aspose.Tasks hakkında bilgiler vereceğiz.

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Posted in Aspose Turkey |