Aspose wins 4 awards in ComponentSource’s Top 2007 Awards

USA, Texas – February 8, 2008 – ComponentsSource is a leading online software vendor that offers products from over 100 vendors to many thousand customers. Every year, they put together a list of the best selling companies and products that they work with. There are two categories: Bestselling Publisher Awards, and Bestselling Product Awards. This year, Aspose placed in both categories and collected  four awards.

Aspose was awarded a Top 25 Publisher Award. Last year, we received a Top 50 award. This year’s improvement must mean that we are successfully providing our customers with the components that they need and adding real value to their applications. The best way to repay our customer’s confidence in our product is to continue providing a great service.

In the Bestselling Product category, Aspose.Total – Aspose’s flagship product which brings together all our components for a given platform – was in 22nd place and was awarded a Top 25 Product award. Aspose.Words came in 45th place and was awarded a Top 50 Product award. Aspose.Cells came in 73rd place and was awarded a Top 100 Product award.

Read the full list of awards on ComponentSource’s website.

About Aspose

Aspose offers a powerful set of file management components with which developers can create applications which can open, edit, create and save some of the most popular business file formats. Supported formats include Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDF documents, Flash presentations and Project files. Aspose produce components for .NET and Java, as well as rendering extensions for SQL Server Reporting Services.

Aspose was founded in 2002, in Sydney, Australia.

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