Aspose.Words Family History

Here is a brief history of what we’ve been up to since 2003. Thank you to all customers and the team who’ve made it possible. Looking forward for more exciting features.

Aspose.Words for .NET
1.0 Open and save DOC, mail merge.
2.0 Open and save HTML, PDF, nested tables, .NET 2.0.
3.0 Document object model, bullets and numbers API, embedded fonts.
4.0 All graphics objects and shapes. Save to RTF and WordprocessingML.
4.2 Open RTF and WordprocessingML.
4.3 64-bit support. Windows Vista support, save DOCX.
5.0 Open and save Office Open XML (DOCX).
Future: own rendering to printer, PDF, XPS, TIFF.
Open Document Format (ODT) support.
Field calculation and update.
Parent-child mail merge.
Full support for CSS.

Aspose.Words for Java
1.0 Open and save DOC, mail merge, document object model.
2.0 All graphics objects, images, OLE.
2.1 HTML export.
2.2 HTML import.
2.4 Open and save HTML, save DOCX.
Future: Match all Aspose.Words for .NET features.


1.0  WinForms  control. WordprocessingML only.
2.0 ASP.NET and WinForms controls. Open and save DOC, RTF, HTML.
2.1 Ruler, status bar, tool bars, menu bar, editor commands.
2.2 Windows Vista support.
2.3 Spell checking. Save DOCX.
Future: Tables, lists, images, OOXML.


Aspose.Words for Reporting Services
1.0 Export reports to DOC, RTF, WordML. MS SSRS 2005.
1.2 MS SSRS 2000, export tables as tables.
1.3 64-bit support, MS SSRS 2008 CTP3 support.
1.4 Export to DOCX. Hyperlinks, fields.
2.0 Flow layout mode.
Future: MS SSRS 2008, tablix.