Access SSL Enabled SMTP Server (Gmail) via Aspose.Network for .NET

In this article, we will show you how to access Gmail via SSL. We can access gmail using following protocols: 

  • SMTP
  • IMAP
  • POP3 


In this section we will show you how to perform various tasks on Gmail server using SMTP protocol on SSL.

Connect to Gmail SMTP server

The following example shows you how you can connect to SSL enabled SMTP server. We will set the following properties for SSL support:

First, create a new SmtpClient object as follows:


Aspose.Network.Mail.SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(“”);


Dim client As Aspose.Network.Mail.SmtpClient = New SmtpClient(“”)

We have passed in the constructor which is the smtp server address of Gmail. Now, set the following properties which are necessary to connect to any SSL enabled mail server.


// set your Gmail username

client.Username = “”;

// set you Gmail password

client.Password = “pwd”;

// set the port to 587. This is the SSL port of Gmail SMTP server

client.Port = 587;

// set the security mode to explicit

client.SecurityMode = SmtpSslSecurityMode.Explicit;

// enable SSL

client.EnableSsl = true;


set your Gmail username

client.Username = “”

‘ set you Gmail password

client.Password = “pwd”

‘ set the port to 587. This is the SSL port of Gmail SMTP server

client.Port = 587

‘ set the security mode to explicit

client.SecurityMode = SmtpSslSecurityMode.Explicit

‘ enable SSL

client.EnableSsl = True

Send an email message

So far, we have setup the SMTP client object to connect to the Gmail server. To send a message using the above client object, we need to create a MailMessage object and send the message using SmtpClient object.


Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();


Dim msg As Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage = New MailMessage()

Set the properties of the message e.g. subject, to, body as follows:


// from whom 

msg.From = new Aspose.Network.Mail.MailAddress(“”);

// to whom

msg.To.Add( new Aspose.Network.Mail.MailAddress( “” ) );

// set the subject

msg.Subject = “subject”;

// set the priority

msg.Priority = Aspose.Network.Mail.MailPriority.High;

// set the message bodies

msg.TextBody = “Please open with html browser”;

msg.HtmlBody = “<bold>this is the mail body</bold>”;

// add the attachment

Aspose.Network.Mail.Attachment attachment = new Attachment(@”c:\File.txt”);




// send the message



// catch exception

catch( SmtpException ex )


System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine( ex.ToString() );



‘ from whom

msg.From = New Aspose.Network.Mail.MailAddress(“”)

‘ to whom

msg.To.Add(New Aspose.Network.Mail.MailAddress(“”))

‘ set the subject

msg.Subject = “subject”

‘ set the priority

msg.Priority = Aspose.Network.Mail.MailPriority.High

‘ set the message bodies

msg.TextBody = “Please open with html browser”

msg.HtmlBody = “<bold>this is the mail body</bold>”

‘ add the attachment

Dim attachment As Aspose.Network.Mail.Attachment = New Attachment(“c:\File.txt”)



    ‘ send the message


Catch ex As SmtpException

    ‘ catch exception


End Try


In this section we will perform some activities on SSL enabled mail server using IMAP protocol.

Connect to the Mail Server

We will use ImapClient object of Aspose.Network to connect to the mail server. Server’s address, port, username and password are required for the connection to be established. Gmail uses port 993 for IMAP protocol, so in our example below we will connect to gmail using the same port.



// connect to gmail server

Aspose.Network.Imap.ImapClient imap = new Aspose.Network.Imap.ImapClient(“”, 993, “”, “pwd”);

imap.EnableSsl = true; // enable the SSL

imap.SecurityMode = Aspose.Network.Imap.ImapSslSecurityMode.Implicit; // set security mode

imap.Connect(true); // connect and login


‘ connect to gmail server

Dim imap As New Aspose.Network.Imap.ImapClient(“”, 993, “”, “pwd”)

imap.EnableSsl = True

‘ enable the SSL

imap.SecurityMode = Aspose.Network.Imap.ImapSslSecurityMode.Implicit

‘ set security mode


‘ connect and login

Select Inbox folder and get total number of messages

Checking Inbox is the most frequent task when you check your email. Using Aspose, this can be done using just 2 simple lines of code.



// select the Inbox folder


//gets number of messages in the folder

Console.WriteLine(imap.CurrentFolder.TotalMessageCount + ” messages found.”);


‘ select the Inbox folder


‘gets number of messages in the folder

Console.WriteLine(imap.CurrentFolder.TotalMessageCount + ” messages found.”)

Saving messages to your local hard drive

Once we select some folder using SelectFolder method, we can use ListMessages function to get the list of all the messages in that folder in an ImapMessagesInfoCollection object. We can iterate through this collection and save email messages to the local drive of computer as follows:



//gets the message info collection

ImapMessageInfoCollection list = imap.ListMessages();

//download each message

for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)


   // save the message as eml file

   imap.SaveMessage(list[i].UniqueId, list[i].UniqueId + “.eml”);



‘gets the message info collection

Dim list As ImapMessageInfoCollection = imap.ListMessages()

‘download each message

For i As Integer = 0 To list.Count – 1

    ‘ save the message as eml file

    imap.SaveMessage(list(i).UniqueId, list(i).UniqueId + “.eml”)


Create a new folder

IMAP protocol also allows you to create a new folder on the email server for categorization of emails and store them in the appropriate folders. This can be done using a simple function call.






Create a New message in a folder

You can add a new message to the folder using the MailMessage and ImapClient class. We will create a MailMessage object first by providing subject, to and from. And then subscribe to a folder and add the message to it.



// create a message

Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage msg;

   msg = new Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage(






// subscribe to the currently selected folder which was Inbox in previous example


// append the newly created message

imap.AppendMessage(imap.CurrentFolder.Name, msg);


‘ create a message

Dim msg As Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage

msg = New Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage(“”, “”, “subject”, “message”)

‘ subscribe to the currently selected folder which was Inbox in previous example


‘ append the newly created message

imap.AppendMessage(imap.CurrentFolder.Name, msg)


In this section, we will show some examples that use Pop3 protocol on SSL. For SSL, we need to define the SSL port and 2 extra properties. Rest is same as connecting to normal Pop3 servers. We will start with making a connection to the mail server.

Connecting to Mail server

We will connect to the SSL enabled mail server using the same Pop3Client class as follows:



// create a pop3 client

Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3Client client;

client = new Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3Client();

// basic setings (required)

client.Host = “”;

client.Username = “”;

client.Password = “pwd”;

client.Port = 995; // set SSL port

// Settings required for SSL enabled Pop3 servers

client.SecurityMode = Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3SslSecurityMode.Implicit; // set implicit security mode

client.EnableSsl = true; // enable SSL

client.Connect(); // establish a connection

client.Login(); // login


‘ create a pop3 client

Dim client As Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3Client

client = New Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3Client()

‘ basic setings (required)

client.Host = “”

client.Username = “”

client.Password = “pwd”

client.Port = 995 ‘ set SSL port

‘ Settings required for SSL enabled Pop3 servers

client.SecurityMode = Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3SslSecurityMode.Implicit ‘ set implicit security mode

client.EnableSsl = True ‘ enable SSL

client.Connect() ‘ establish a connection

client.Login() ‘ login

Check the mailbox status

In this example, we will check the number of messages that are stored in the mailbox and the size of the mailbox. We will use Pop3MailboxInfo class for this purpose.



// create the object of type Pop3MailboxInfo

Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3MailboxInfo info;

// get the mailbox information

info = client.GetMailboxInfo();

// check number of messages


// check mailbox size

Console.Write(info.OccupiedSize + ” bytes”);


‘ create the object of type Pop3MailboxInfo

Dim info As Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3MailboxInfo

‘ get the mailbox information

info = client.GetMailboxInfo()

‘ check number of messages


‘ check mailbox size

Console.Write(info.OccupiedSize + ” bytes”)

Check messages information in the mailbox

In this example, we will check all the messages in the mailbox using Pop3MessageInfoCollection class. We will use Pop3Client.ListMessages() function to get the Pop3MessageInfoCollection. Then we will iterate through the collection to read the message information.



// get the list of messages in the mailbox

Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3MessageInfoCollection infos = client.ListMessages();

// iterate through the messages

foreach(Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3MessageInfo info in infos)


   Console.Write(“Id:” + info.UniqueId);

   Console.Write(“Index number:” + info.SequenceNumber);

   Console.Write(“Subject:” + info.Subject);

   Console.Write(“size:” + info.Size);



‘ get the list of messages in the mailbox

Dim infos As Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3MessageInfoCollection = client.ListMessages()

‘ iterate through the messages

For Each info As Aspose.Network.Pop3.Pop3MessageInfo In infos

    Console.Write(“Id:” + info.UniqueId)

    Console.Write(“Index number:” + info.SequenceNumber)

    Console.Write(“Subject:” + info.Subject)

    Console.Write(“size:” + info.Size)


Retrieve messages from the mailbox

To get the messages from the mailbox we will use the FetchMessage() method of Pop3Client to get the message in a MailMessage type object.



// get number of messages in the mailbox

int messageCount = client.GetMessageCount();

// iterate through the messages and retrieve one by one

for(int i=1; i<= messageCount; i++)


       // create object of type MailMessage

Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage msg;

       // retrieve the message in MimeMessage format directly

       msg = client.FetchMessage(i);

       Console.WriteLine(“From:” + msg.From.ToString());

       Console.WriteLine(“Subject:” + msg.Subject);


       // save in local drive

msg.Save(i + “.eml”);



‘ get number of messages in the mailbox

Dim messageCount As Integer = client.GetMessageCount()

For i As Integer = 1 To messageCount

    ‘ iterate through the messages and retrieve one by one

    ‘ create object of type MailMessage

    Dim msg As Aspose.Network.Mail.MailMessage

    ‘ retrieve the message in MimeMessage format directly

    msg = client.FetchMessage(i)

    Console.WriteLine(“From:” + msg.From.ToString())

    Console.WriteLine(“Subject:” + msg.Subject)


    ‘ save in local drive

    msg.Save(i + “.eml”)
