Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.3 Released

Dear Customers, We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.3!

What’s New?

  • Supports to add Arc, Oval, Rectangle
  • Supports to add Word and Excel file as OLE object
  • Supports to only load data and formatting in the template file
  • Supports to copy style when insert rows and columns
  • Supports to get number format type of cell
  • Supports to filter non-blank/blank cells in AutoFilter

What’s Improved?

  • Provides methods for Shapes object to add any shape

What’s Fixed?

  • Fixed a bug of calculating formulas
  • Fixed a bug of getting minimum column of row
  • Fixed a bug of importing a collection into cells
  • Fixed a bug of reading file
  • Fixed a bug of copying formulas
  • Fixed a bug of copying cell range
  • Fixed a bug of formatting number with E-exponent


  • For adding textBox, in new version, add(…) methods is only valid in the worksheet.
    addInChart() method is only valid in the Chart Sheet.