Yearly Archives: 2007

Aspose 顾客时事通讯, 2007 年10月


  • 欢迎!
  • 产品推荐 – Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services
  • 使用 Aspose.Cells for Java将Excel文件输出为PDF
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET 现在支持MacroPDF417 条码
  • 使用Aspose.Cells for .NET创建加密的Excel文件
  • 使用Aspose.Words for Reporting Services将HTML格式报表输出至Word格式
  • Aspose.Network v3.6.0.0的最新更新
  • 技术小技巧 – 加载Web图片(从URL)至Excel工作表
  • Aspose.Pdf for .NET v3.6.0.0 补丁


欢迎阅读Aspose2007年10月份时事快报! 在本月的时事快报中,我们将对推荐产品:Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services做出相关性的介绍。我们还会介绍Aspose.Words for Reporting Services, Aspose.Network, Aspose.Pdf, Aspose.BarCode 以及Aspose.Cells这些产品在最新版本中新增的一些另人兴奋的功能。通过本月的技术小技巧,您将会了解到来自Aspose的最新信息—— 使用Aspose.Cells for .NET如何将Web图片(来自URL)加载到Excel的工作表中去。


Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services 是一个允许您在Microsoft SQL Server 2000 和 2005 Reporting Services中生成PDF报表的灵活的.NET解决方案。几乎支持所有的RDL报表特性,并允许您生成具备表格,图表,矩阵,页眉和页脚,节,列表,文本框,矩形,线条以及图片等的高质量PDF。得益于Aspose.Pdf组件技术,Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services是一个在Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services中生成PDF报表的理想产品。请下载 Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services 的免费试用版,看其是否满足您的商业需求。

使用 Aspose.Cells

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Posted in Aspose China |

Aspose.Total Northwind Demos with Windows Vista support

Dear Customers,

We are glad to share that now Aspose.Total Northwind Demos are supported on Windows Vista too. These demos are offered in both Visual Studio 2003 & 2005 formats. We recommend for Windows Vista users to use Visual Studio 2005 version of Aspose.Total Northwind Demos. You may download and get more information about these demos from the links below:

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Posted in Salman Sarfraz |

Aspose Alıcı Bültenin, Ekim 2007


Aspose Bülten’in Eylül 2007 sayısına hoşgeldiniz! Bu ayki bültenimizde vitrin ürünümü Aspose.Pdf for

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Posted in Aspose Turkey |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, October 2007

In This Issue

  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight – Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services
  • Export Excel files to PDF using Aspose.Cells for Java
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET now supports MacroPDF417 symbology
  • Create Encrypted Excel files using Aspose.Cells for .NET
  • Export HTML formatted reports to Word documents using Aspose.Words for Reporting Services
  • Latest Enhancements in Aspose.Network v3.6.0.0
  • Technical Tip – Load a Web Image (from a URL) into an Excel Worksheet
  • Aspose.Pdf for .NET v3.6.0.0 Mega Release


Welcome to the October 2007 issue of

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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Aspose.Slides for .NET Released

  • Aspose.Slides didn’t delete referenced OLE and embedded sound data after removing OleObjectFrame and AudioFrame shapes. Also Shape object now has special boolean property HasExternalData to determine if shape has some hidden data (in case shape is not recognised as OleObjectFrame, AudioFrame and etc.)
  • 3181 – Font of symbols inserted to a text could be changed after slide cloning.
  • 3623, 3800 – MS PowerPoint couldn’t open presentations (“PowerPoint can’t open ppt because part of the file is missing”). If target
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Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Java API Reference now with code examples!

We have finally added code examples to the Aspose.Words for Java API Reference.

Check it out, here is a page for the Body class

And of course I cannot resist not to tell you how cool our system for documentation generation is.

  • Code examples are initially written in C# and arranged as unit tests in a class library.
  • We compile and run the examples project to make sure all works and passes (you don’t see the actual unit testing asserts
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Slides for .NET Released

What’s new:
  • Table.DeleteColumn method
  • 3330 – Slide.AddNotes returns created Notes object
  • “This operation is not supported on SortedList nested types …” exception on tables writing and cloning in the .NET 2.0 framework.
  • 3682 – CloneSlide could throw exception for slides with zero width autoshapes.
To download:
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Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose.Chart v3.4.6 Released

What’s New

  • Adds CustomAttributes.BarOverlap for supporting bar overlap.
  • Adds CustomAttributes.BubbleSize for seting the size of each bubble manually and changs the arithmetic that calculate max bubble size and min bubble size by.
  • Adds CustomAttributes.BubbleSizeRepresents for bubble size representing bubble’s area or bubble’s diameter.


  • Multiple chart areas is missed vertical grid lines
  • Labels on Y-Axis with small font not be displayed 
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose.Slides for .NET Released

What’s New:
  • New enhanced high speed tables engine.
  • Aspose.Slides installer and assemblies now come signed with Authenticode.
  • 3596 – European umlaut characters (e.g. Swedish å, ä and ö) lose font after slide cloning.
More Info:
From this version we change API for working with tables. We tried to make it as close as possible to previous releases but there are some differences anyway.
  • Temporally it’s not possible to delete columns and split cells.
  • CellBorder class has GetEnumerator() method instead
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Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose.Network for NET Released


This release contains new features, features enhancement and bug fixes since v3.5.  Please check following description for more detail information.

What’s New?

3756 – Support to render multipart/mixed type part in EML format.

           A new property Attachment.EmptyAttachment is added for this feature.


           MailMessage msg = MailMessage.Load(@”c:\ExchangeMessage.eml”, MessageFormat.Eml);



3758 – Support to delete attachments in Outlook Message files.



3759 – Support converting undeliverable report message (Outlook Message files) to Eml format.… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |