Yearly Archives: 2007

Aspose.Slides for .NET Released

  • 3695 – Slide rendering
  • Visible bullets in empty paragraphs.
  • Rendering justified text.
  • Reading and rendering non-existent links in text.
  • Workaround for wrong rendering of Arial Black font by .NET framework.
  • 3520 – Lines rendering
    • Workaround for .NET (GDI+) bug when double and triple lines rendered as rectangles.
    To download:
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    Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

    Aspose.Words for .NET Released

    What’s New

    Loading of Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML (DOCX) documents is now supported!

    Previous release, Aspose.Words for .NET 4.4.0 introduced the ability to save documents in the Microsoft Word 2007 DOCX format. This Aspose.Words for .NET 4.4.1 release makes it possible to load DOCX files. Now you can open, generate, save and convert DOCX documents. This makes Aspose.Words for .NET a first document processing library on the market that provides such capabilities.

    Please note that loading DOCX files is Continue Reading

    Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

    Aspose.Total documentation got new look

    Dear Customers,

    Aspose Service team has re-built Aspose.Total documentation in MSDN Style using our own documentation tools and Aspose.Words. We hope that you will find this documentation more user friendly and faster. You may access it using this link:

    Please feel free to let us know about your thoughts.… Continue Reading

    Posted in Salman Sarfraz |

    Aspose.Grid 1.9.3 Released!

    Dear Customers,
     We have just released Aspose.Grid v1.9.3!

    This new version includes all the new features and fixes since v1.9.2

    What’s New?
    1. Supports Microsoft AJAX extention for .NET 2.0. You may use the GridWeb with the AJAX extention web control “UpdatePanel”.
    2. Supports TAB, SHIFT-TAB navigating.
    3. New class CellImage. Use WebWorksheet.CellImages object to create a CellImage.
    4. New method: WebCells.DeleteRows and WebCells.InsertRows, improved performance of deleting or inserting multiple lines of the sheet.
    5. New property … Continue Reading

    Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

    Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java Released


    In this release, some advanced editing features are added into PdfContentditor.

    What’s New?

    • In PdfContentditor, CreateBookmarks() is added for creating bookmarks of all pages with specified color and font setting.
    • In PdfContentEditor, CreateBookmarksAction() is added for creating bookmark with specified action. The supported action types include “GoToR”,”Launch”,”GoTo” and “URI”.
    • In PdfContentditor, annotations such as “Line”,”Square”,”Circle”,”Polygon”, “PolyLine” can be exported by ExportAnnotationsXfdf().
    • In PdfContentditor, delete all the annotations or deleting the annotations of specified type are supported.
    • In PdfContentditor, DeleteBookMarks()
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    Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

    How to Add Microsoft Word Export Formats to Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer

    It’s a bit shameful but until recently I was almost sure that the Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer (Business Intelligence Development Studio) does not support custom rendering extensions and the export formats are hard coded 🙂 Thanks to one of our customers, it turned out I was wrong. So, since Aspose.Words for Reporting Services is a rendering extensions allowing to export RDL reports to Microsoft Word formats, you can easily add those formats directly to your report designer. Moreover, starting … Continue Reading

    Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

    Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Released

    This is a maintenance release.

    What’s new

    • MSI installer now automatically adds Microsoft Word export formats to the Visual Studio Report Designer.
    • Added the support for the HideDuplicates property of textboxes.

    What’s fixed

    • Minor fixes.

    To download visit Reading

    Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

    Aspose.Metafiles for Java Released

    What’s New:
    • Reading comments from a metafile. Small example how to read comments:
    WmfMetafile wfile = new WmfMetafile(file);
    MetafileComment[] comments = wfile.getComments();
    for(int i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
    System.out.println("comment " + comments[i].getRecordIndex() + ": " +
    • Rendering text in different charsets. Aspose.Metafiles should select right charset automatically but it is possible to override it through rendering hints.
    MetafileCharsetCollection cc = new MetafileCharsetCollection();
    Charset charset = (Charset)Charset.availableCharsets().get("windows-1251");
    cc.SetCharset(MetafileCharsetCollection.DEFAULT_CHARSET, charset);
    renderingHints.put(MetafileCharsetCollection.METAFILES_CHARSET_COLLECTION, cc);

    • 3862 – Aspose.Metafiles didn’t
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    Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

    Aspose.Network for .NET v3.6.1.0 Released

    What’s New

    • Provide format template for customizing the file format convertion from msg files to mht files. More format templates are supported in MhtMessageFormatter class, which will provide more flexibility for .NET developers to customize the output of mht format files.


                MailMessage mail = MailMessage.Load(file, MessageFormat.Msg);
                MhtMessageFormatter f = new MhtMessageFormatter();
                f.FormFormat = “FROM:{0}<br>”;
                f.SentFormat = “SENT:{0}<br>”;
                f.SubjectFormat = “SUBJECT:{0}<br>”;
                f.ToFormat = “TO:{0}<br>”;
                f.CcFormat= “CC:{0}<br>”;
                f.AttachmentFormat = “ATT:{0}<br>”;

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    Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

    Aspose.Slides for .NET Released

    • 3819, 3834 – DeleteHandout method didn’t clear all cross-references to Handout object and MS PowerPoint couldn’t open some presentations.
    To download:
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    Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |