Yearly Archives: 2007

Aspose Customer Newsletter, December 2007

In This Issue

  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight – Aspose.Pdf
  • Aspose.BarCode makes headway
  • A more optimized Aspose.Slides for Java
  • Import and export Excel 2007 XLSX file with Aspose.Cells for Java
  • Aspose.Words for .NET Released
  • Technical Tip – Quick migration to the latest Aspose.Slides with new tables engine
  • Aspose.Total for Reporting Services Mega Release


Welcome to the December 2007 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter, we will provide some introductory information about our spotlight product: Aspose.Pdf. We will

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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Aspose Alıcı Bültenin, Aralik 2007

In This Issue

  • Hoşgeldiniz!
  • Ürün Vitrini – Aspose.Pdf
  • Aspose.BarCode çıkış yapıyor
  • Daha optimize bir Aspose.Slides for Java
  • Excel 2007 XLSX dosyalarını Aspose.Cells for Java ile alıp verin
  • Aspose.Words for .NET Çıktı
  • Teknik Ipucu - Yeni tablo motoruyla son Aspose.Slides'a çabuk geçiş
  • Aspose.Total for Reporting Services Ürün Paketi


Aspose Bülten'in Aralık 2007 sayısına hoşgeldiniz. Bu ayki bültenimizde vitrin ürünü Aspose.Pdf hakkında bilgilendirme yapacağız. Ayrıca .Total for Reporting Services, Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells, Aspose.Slides ve Aspose.BarCode ürünlerimizin son sürümlerindeki yeni ve heyecan

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Posted in Aspose Turkey |

Aspose 顾客时事通讯, 2007 年12月

In This Issue

  • 欢迎!
  • 亮点产品– Aspose.Pdf
  • Aspose.BarCode取得进展
  • 优化了的 Aspose.Slides for Java
  • 使用Aspose.Cells for Java输入和输出Excel 2007 XLSX文件
  • Aspose.Words for .NET 已发布
  • 技术小技巧 – 快速转换到拥有新表格引擎的Aspose.Slides新版本中
  • Aspose.Total for Reporting Services 发布


欢迎阅读Aspose2007年11月份的时事快报!在本期快报中,我们将对我们的亮点产品Aspose.Pdf作出相关介绍。我们还将介绍新进发布的Aspose.Total for Reporting Services, Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells, Aspose.Slides and Aspose.BarCode中令人兴奋的新功能. 通过本月的技术小技巧,您还将会了解到来自Aspose的最新信息——how you can quickly migrate to the latest Aspose.Slides with new tables engine.


Aspose.Pdf是一个不用非图形PDF®文档报表组件,可以让您在.NET或Java应用程序中不使用Adobe Acrobat®便可创建PDF文档。Aspose.Pdf 拥有很好的性价比及强大的功能,包括:压缩、表格、图表、图像、超链接、安全以及自定义字体。Aspose.Pdf 支持通过API以及从XML模板和XSL-FO文件创建PDF。Aspose.Pdf使用非常简单,提供了14个用C#和Visual Basic写的功能demo。请 下载Aspose.Pdf 的免费试用版,看其是否满足您的业务需求。


Aspose.BarCode做了相当大的改进。Aspose.BarCode 文档已做了翻新。更多细节请访问官方发布网页.。Aspose.BarCode for .NET的新版本也以发布(细节)。可在这里下载Aspose.BarCode for

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Posted in Aspose China |

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services FAQ Published

We are happy to announce that we have just published a FAQ for our unique product Aspose.Words for Reporting Services. The FAQ contains answers to some technical questions frequently asked by our customers and those who evaluate the product. Please refer to it before posting your inquiry in the support forum; probably you will find a solution for your issue and get some explanation of its cause.

The FAQ is available at Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Released

We keep improving rendering RDL reports to fully editable Microsoft Word documents. This release is another stage of this continuous process. The release includes a number of fixes applied while testing existing customer reports, therefore not registered in our defect database. So there are no defect numbers to list this time. Simply download the program and try it, and please report anything that you think should be fixed or improved.

What’s new

  • Exposed the OverlapResolutionMethod configuration option.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed a number of bugs and issues noticed
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for .NET Released

For information about what’s fixed and to download, please see

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose releases a new product suite for SQL Server Reporting Services

Sydney, Australia – November, 19th 2007 – Aspose is pleased to announce the release of their third major product suite, Aspose.Total for Reporting Services.  The “Aspose.Total for Reporting Services” suite is comprised of five different rendering extensions which extend SQL Reporting, allowing reports to be exported to a variety of new formats.   


Since their inception in 2002, Aspose’s core focus has centered on file management.  Their new line of products for SQL Reporting Services Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose.Network for .NET v3.6.3.0 Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve releases Aspose.Network for .NET v3.6.3.0.

What’s New

  • 4048 – Adds Unix-To-Unix (uuencod) decoding supports for parsing attachments for eml files.
  • Adds new samples for Aspose.Network.Outlook.


  • 4049 – ImapClient.AppendMessage function cannot return UID properly.
  • 4050 – ImapClient.ListMessage throws exceptions for invalid email addresses.

How to download

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.1 Released !

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.1!

What’s New?

  • Supports to export to and import from Excel2007xlsx file.
  • Supports to sort datas of the range.
  • Supports to be used with PHP.

What’s improved?

  • Supports to set the scale and unit of Time Scale Category axis.

What’s fixed?

  • Fixed a bug of calculating formulas
  • Fixed a bug of formating number.
  • Fixed a bug of adding picture.
  • Fixed a bug of saving file.

Download URL: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

RDL Reports to Editable Documents: Feedback Needed

Recently we have implemented a very important feature requested by many users, export of RDL reports to fully editable (flow layout) documents. The flow layout mode, which is now default for Aspose.Words for Reporting Services, brings a number of noticeable benefits such as:

  • No textboxes anymore. Text is exported to regular paragraphs with real paragraph breaks.
  • No floating objects, inline objects only. This means that when the document is edited, its contents move accordingly to the changes being applied, whereas
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |