Concept64 enabled Vivid Word to HTML, PDF conversion and PDF concatenation features using Aspose APIs

About Concept64

At Concept64, we had to design and build a content managed literature section for a health-related website. The client team was going to create and manage the content in MS Word but wanted to make the same available on their website. Registered users shall not only browse the content but download individual articles in PDF format. Additionally, they could combine multiple articles to compile their own collection of articles, and download it all as one PDF file.

Requirements Scenario

Since this was a web application, we required a solution that would be stable and scalable in a server environment, and also powerful enough to handle a moderate-to-large number of requests. The solution would need to convert uploaded Word documents to HTML and PDF while maintaining the original formatting and styling.

Solution Implementation

After evaluating multiple products, and even considering server-side office automation, but finally we chose Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.PDF for .NET for our solution. This set of components together did exactly what we needed them to do, worked well together, and were extremely easy to implement.

As per business flow, the client would upload Word documents that need to be immediately converted to HTML using Aspose.Words for .NET and PDF using Aspose.PDF for .NET. Furthermore, when the registered users browse the website, they can either download the individual PDF or create their own compilation. When they choose to download their compilation, Aspose.PDF for .NET kicks in and combines the individual PDFs into a single one for download.


The Aspose suite of components is a feature-rich and light-weight suite and posses following capabilities:


We hit the ground running, and were able to get an Aspose-based solution working within a week. We are also looking towards Aspose for other potential projects that require document creation and manipulation. They have a complete suite of products, and each one is intuitive, powerful and works in both 32 and 64-bit environments. We would highly recommend this suite to any serious developer.

Document upload screen preview
Image 1:- Content Management Screen where word documents are uploaded and converted to PDF + HTML
Resultant PDF preview after converison
Image 2:- PDF version – retains formatting from MS Word
DOC to HTML conversion preview
Image 3:- HTML version – converted from Word

Chandan Kanadia
Technical Manager,