RDL Reports to Editable Documents: Feedback Needed

Recently we have implemented a very important feature requested by many users, export of RDL reports to fully editable (flow layout) documents. The flow layout mode, which is now default for Aspose.Words for Reporting Services, brings a number of noticeable benefits such as:

  • No textboxes anymore. Text is exported to regular paragraphs with real paragraph breaks.
  • No floating objects, inline objects only. This means that when the document is edited, its contents move accordingly to the changes being applied, whereas floating (absolutely positioned) objects do not depend from each other when the contents are modified.
  • Table row height is no more fixed and grows or shrinks when cell contents are added or removed.
  • The document’s look and feel is much more “natural”, as if it was created by an office worker.

It’s been quite short since we released Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 2.0 that introduces this layout mode and we didn’t receive much response yet. However, we are eager to improve this new feature as it is quite complex and obviously requires constant working on it. That’s why we would like to ask all our customers and those who evaluate the product: once you experience any issue or you think the export should be improved, please don’t hesitate to report it in our support forum and expect quick response there. Same applies if you have any requests as to what you would like to see in the future versions of the product. We really appreciate your kind feedback!