Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java Released


In this release, some advanced editing features are added into PdfContentditor.

What’s New?

  • In PdfContentditor, CreateBookmarks() is added for creating bookmarks of all pages with specified color and font setting.
  • In PdfContentEditor, CreateBookmarksAction() is added for creating bookmark with specified action. The supported action types include “GoToR”,”Launch”,”GoTo” and “URI”.
  • In PdfContentditor, annotations such as “Line”,”Square”,”Circle”,”Polygon”, “PolyLine” can be exported by ExportAnnotationsXfdf().
  • In PdfContentditor, delete all the annotations or deleting the annotations of specified type are supported.
  • In PdfContentditor, DeleteBookMarks() is added which can be used to delete all bookmarks of the pdf document. It is also supported to delete the bookmark according to the specified title.
  • In PdfContentditor, DeleteAttachments() is added which can be used to delete all the attachments of the documents.

What’s Fixed?

  • Some pdf documents can not be opened afer replacing text. 

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