New sample: Word2Help – a tool to split DOC file into HTML topics

We have turned a utility we use at Aspose in building of our product documentation into a public source code sample. It is available for download here

Here is some info:

We author documentation in Microsoft Word and then use Word2Help to:

  • Split DOC file(s) into topics according to Heading styles.
  • Save each topic into a separate HTML file and export images into files.
  • Fix hyperlinks so the hyperlinks that were internal in a single DOC file continue to work across multiple HTML files.
  • Inject a predefined HTML header, banner and footer.
  • Write an XML file that describes the tree of topics.

The resulting HTML files and content.xml are then used by Aspose.NDoc (a modified version of NDoc) to produce HTML and CHM documentation.

Here is an example of the documentation where Word2Help was used:

Original blog post about Word2Help:

Note: Word2Help uses Aspose.Words. This download includes Aspose.Words.dll that works without a license in the evaluation mode. It will truncate long documents and inject evaluation watermarks.

If you have any questions about this sample or about Aspose.Words, please post in the support forums.