Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.0 Released !

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.0!

What’s New?

  • Supports to export to Aspose.Pdf xml file
  • Supports to copy comments and named ranges when coping worksheet
  • Supports ICustomFunction interface of calculating formulas
  • Supports to trace precedents and dependents of a cell

What’s improved?

  • Supports to only calculate all formulas in a worksheet
  • Supports POJO and POJOs with smart markers

What’s fixed?

  • Fixed a bug of getting named ranges of the worksheet
  • Fixed a bug of creating the PivotTable
  • Fixed a bug of protecting file
  • Fixed a bug of calculating formulas
  • Fixed a bug of saving the file.

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