A Weekend in Saint-Petersburg

We’ve just returned from a weekend we spent in Saint-Petersburg, the “northern capital” of Russia. Definitely, this city is more than impressive. It’s magnificent! Being tranquil and stately in the daytime, it becomes a large party place at night (at least the central part, not sure about the rest); and I just can’t express what a fun atmosphere prevailing there!

Petersburg certainly has its own energy or magic, almost tangible. I’m not sure if it’s explainable, whether the reason is just the beautiful architecture or something more mysterious. Whatever it is, once visited, the city calls one back, so I believe we will manage to have a trip to there again until the weather gets cold and rainy (which is a real hassle to enjoy the city’s charm).

Let me share some photos we took without any comments. One reason is that I’m quite sleepy at the moment and the other is my shameful ignorance – I’m simply unsure what exact names of some sights are 🙂 But I do know those are just a little bit of Petersburg which obviously cannot be explored in two short days.