Aspose.Words Samples on CodePlex

Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.Words for Java are successful commercial products, but our philosophy is to develop them using our unique “open-source feel” approach. In other words, we at Aspose are extremely customer driven and this shows in:

  • Aggressive development, frequent hotfixes and releases (at least 1-2 a month).
  • Features shaped and prioritized according to your requests.
  • Unlimited free technical support to paid customers and evaluation users.
  • Support in the forums directly by the developers working on the project.
  • Live chat with the developers working on the project (including myself).

We think that customers who use our products feel that they use an open source product because of the extent they can influence the project, but with the security of a fully committed talented team working on the project.

Aspose.Words Samples published at CodePlex is a part of the above effort.