How to Improve a Product in 21 Days

The answer is simple: love it! Love it, work on it, enjoy every single line of code you add. Sorry these are the only ways I know so probably I could never write a book with such a title 🙂

Yes, it’s been exactly three weeks since we released Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 1.1 and today we have published 1.2. The reason of such quick version change is that we have added a very important feature and significantly improved product functionality; therefore this is a full-scale release, not a minor hotfix.

As you might have already read in the release announcement, we have a surprise for all the people requiring DOC, RTF and WordML output from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services. Here it is guys! You demanded it and we satisfied your demands. Now our product supports both Reporting Services 2000 and 2005… we hope it will make life a little easier for even more people than before!

In addition to that, I received several extremely complex customer reports containing a number of subreports with matrices. There were some issues in the output tables produced by the AWesomeExport technology. It took a while to get them solved… but they all are history! I’m so thankful to the customers who sent me the reports – they really helped to make the product better. Whenever you notice any minor or major issue in any exported report, please let me know by making a post in our support forum (and don’t forget to supply a report to test!). I am keen on making the product handle any most sophisticated input perfectly!

Also, recently I was happy like a child because I finally succeeded in overcoming some minor but very frustrating issues related to floating tables in Word. In particular, these issues caused the tables to look slightly mangled sometimes. They forced me to use some tricky algorithms to suppress their negative impact; however, some of the issues were just insuperable (for example, Word twitched some tables as if it was trying to find the best layout and redrew it over and over again… not critical, but annoying). I’ve suceeded in fixing all of the issues with a single (and simple!) solution avoiding any fundamental changes… there’s nothing cooler in the world than seeing the product behaving as you suppose it to behave! 🙂

We keep working on this AWesome product with great pleasure and we are full of ideas. This is only the beginning actually!