Aspose.Slides for Java Released

Aspose.Slides for Java hot fix contains the following changes:
  • New: Reading and creating extended bullets on notes.
  • New: Extracting embedded text files (and other “native” documents which don’t have special OLE server) from a presentation.
  • New: Notes.getSchemeColor() method.
  • Fixed: getFontColor() and getBulletColor() properties could return wrong value for Notes text.
  • Fixed: Reading default value of Presentation.getSlideShowSettings().getManualAdvance(). Advance on time didn’t work by default.
  • Fixed: NullPointerException on reading presentations with tables created in the PowerPoint 2007.
  • Fixed: NullPointerException on reading presentation with Notes without Paragraphs. Actually, MS PowerPoint can’t create such presentations so assume that is workaround for broken ppts.
  • Fixed: Slides exported to SVG format couldn’t be opened with Mozilla Firefox.
  • Fixed: getThumbnail() could throw NullPointerException exception on slides with polylines.
  • Fixed: Cloning slides with tables, groupshapes, diagrams and autoshapes.
  • Fixed: Color of text in TextFrames on cloned slides could be changed.
  • Fixed: Presentation.deleteUnusedMasters() could throw NullPointerException in presentation with notes.
  • Fixed: Slide.saveToSVG could throw NullPointerException for slides with empty polylines (polylines with 0 points).
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