Retrieving Property Information by Mapi Property Tag

MapiProperty Class represents a Mapi property, which contains:

  • Name, a string represents the name of the property
  • Tag, a long represents the tag of the property
  • Data, a byte array represents the data of the property

Steps to Query Mail Box Status

  • Create a MapiMessage instance by loading from files or stream
  • Get the MapiProperty from MapiMessage.Properties by MapiPropertyTag keys
  • Get the Data of the MapiProperty by method GetXXXX


 //load from file
 MapiMessage msg = MapiMessage.FromFile(@”c:\test.msg”);

 string subject;

 //access the MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT property 
 MapiProperty prop = msg.Properties[MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT];

 //if the prop is not found, check the MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT_W (which is a unicode peer of the MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT)
 if (prop == null)
   prop = msg.Properties[MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT_W];

 //cannot found
 if (prop == null)
   Console.WriteLine(“No property found!”);

 //get the property data as string
 subject = prop.GetString();

 Console.WriteLine(“Subject:” + subject);


 ‘load from file
 Dim msg As MapiMessage =  MapiMessage.FromFile(“c:\test.msg”) 
 Dim subject As String
 ‘access the MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT property 
 Dim prop As MapiProperty =  msg.Properties(MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT) 
 ‘if the prop is not found, check the MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT_W (which is a unicode peer of the MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT)
 If prop Is Nothing Then
   prop = msg.Properties(MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT_W)
 End If
 ‘cannot found
 If prop Is Nothing Then
   Console.WriteLine(“No property found!”)
 End If
 ‘get the property data as string
 subject = prop.GetString()
 Console.WriteLine(“Subject:” + subject)