Aspose.Words for .NET 4.2.6 Released

Today’s Aspose.Words for .NET 4.2.6 release contains the following fixes and new features (most interesting new features are highlighted):


  • 3192 – Document throws “Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
  • 3184 – Document throws “Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: “1062” Key being added: “1062”.
  • 3147 – Image in header is ignored.
  • 3119 – ‘Unknown structure of an INCLUDEPICTURE field’ exception on document load. 
  • 3094 – Support versions in DOC.
  • 3089 – UpdateFields should take formatting from field value, if possible. 
  • 3002 – Exception when reading a file with DOCPROPERTY fields.
  • 1576 – Add support for embedded OLE documents extraction. 
  • 1561 – Document throws InvalidCastException on open. 
  • 1556 – Document throws NullReferenceException on save.
  • 1554 – Document throws NullReferenceException on save.
  • 1521 – Unknown structure of an INCLUDEPICTURE field.
  • 1516 – ‘Unknown hyperlink format’ when opening the document.
  • 1243 – Setting Font formatting of a run sets the same formatting for a previous run.
  • 1224 – FormField.SetTextInputValue should keep the existing formatting of the current FormField value text. 

Mail Merge

  • 1531 – Table name is not shown in MergeField event.
  • 1530 – Merge field not merged with null value during simple name/value merge.
  • 1489 – Merge fields lose formatting.


  • 3135 – Inline images are now exported as inline to PDF.
  • 1582 – Support SYMBOL fields when exporting to PDF and HTML.
  • 1545 – Paragraph which is not bulleted but formatted with bullet style is output incorrectly to AsposePDF.
  • 1518 – Some unicode characters are exported to HTML and PDF incorrectly. 
  • 1500 – Bulleted list item is exported to PDF incorrectly. 
  • 1354 – A non indented paragraph is exported with indents.
  • 773 – Top of text in PDF starts lower than in DOC – result different pagination.
  • 625 – List indent different. 
  • 582 – Hanging indent is not properly handled sometimes during conversion to PDF.
  • 257 – If a floating image is anchored to a paragraph that contains inline image, PDF throws.
  • 89 – Support header and footer From Edge setting.

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