WYSIWYG Word Processing in the Browser with Aspose.Editor

Have you checked Aspose.Editor – our word processing control for Windows Forms and ASP.NET?

I’m proud to announce that the latest version of Aspose.Editor runs seamlessly in Internet Explorer so you can build ASP.NET applications that feature WYSIWIG editing of Microsoft Word documents in the browser.

Forget about using HTML editors to edit Microsoft Word documents – it ain’t gonna work. Use a specialized control that’s been designed exactly for Microsoft Word documents.

When loading the demo page it might take some time as the .NET assembly is being downloaded to your computer (around 2mb). Then you might have to go through the security prompts that will give the assembly permissions to execute.

The demo comes preloaded with several sample documents listed on the left. Double clicking on the document will load it for editing in the editor window on the right (the very first document to load might take a few seconds, others load very fast). You can upload other documents and open them for editing.

Because this is a public demo, all of these documents are actually in the session cache and never stored on the server disk. Also, because it is a demo, the size and the number of documents that can be uploaded are limited. In a real application, your server-side code can load and store documents to any storage: disk, database or even SharePoint library.

Aspose.Editor is yet another great “eat our own dog food” product and it internally utilizes Aspose.Words as a backbone engine to work with DOC, RTF, HTML and WordML files.

Note Aspose.Editor is still under development and some of the document features (tables, lists, headers, footers) cannot be displayed or edited, but thanks to the lossless editing technology, all of these document features are preserved during the open-edit-save cycle.

Please feel free to comment on Aspose.Editor and on the demo in the Aspose.Editor Forums, your feedback is appreciated.