Adding glossary in Aspose.Pdf for .Net

Although glossary is not supported directly in Aspose.Pdf for .Net, it is possible to create glossary using the #$REFPAGE symbol. Here is an example:


   //create Pdf and set license
   Pdf pdf = new Pdf();
   Aspose.Pdf.License lic = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
   pdf.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = true;
   pdf.TruetypeFontMapPath = @”d:\test”;

   //create new section
   Section sec1 = pdf.Sections.Add();

   //create tables and add data
   Table table1 = new Table();
   table1.ColumnWidths = “200 100”;
   Row row1 = table1.Rows.Add();
   Cell cell1 = row1.Cells.Add();
   Heading heading1 = new Heading(pdf,sec1,1);
   heading1.Segments.Add(“KeyWord1: this is key word 1”);
   heading1.ID = “KeyWord1”;

   Cell cell2 = row1.Cells.Add(“cell 2”);

   //create another table
   table1 = new Table();
   table1.ColumnWidths = “200 100”;
   table1.IsFirstParagraph = true;
   row1 = table1.Rows.Add();
   cell1 = row1.Cells.Add();
   heading1 = new Heading(pdf,sec1,1);
   heading1.Segments.Add(“KeyWord2: this is key word 2”);
   heading1.ID = “KeyWord2”;

   cell2 = row1.Cells.Add(“cell 2”);

   //add glossary
   Text glossary = new Text(“Glossary”);
   glossary.IsFirstParagraph = true;
   glossary.TextInfo.FontSize = 20;
   glossary.TextInfo.Alignment = AlignmentType.Center;

   Text item1 = new Text(“KeyWord1#$TAB#$REFPAGE(KeyWord1)”);
   item1.TabStops = new TabStops();
   TabStop stop1 = item1.TabStops.Add(380,TabLeaderType.Dot);

   Text item2 = new Text(“KeyWord2#$TAB#$REFPAGE(KeyWord2)”);
   item2.TabStops = new TabStops();
   TabStop stop2 = item2.TabStops.Add(380,TabLeaderType.Dot);



        ‘create Pdf and set license
        Dim pdf As Pdf = New Pdf
        Dim lic As Aspose.Pdf.License = New Aspose.Pdf.License
        pdf.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = True
        pdf.TruetypeFontMapPath = “d:\test”

        ‘create new section
        Dim sec1 As Section = pdf.Sections.Add()

        ‘create tables and add data
        Dim table1 As Table = New Table
        table1.ColumnWidths = “200 100”

        Dim row1 As Row = table1.Rows.Add()
        Dim cell1 As Cell = row1.Cells.Add()
        Dim heading1 As Heading = New Heading(pdf, sec1, 1)
        heading1.Segments.Add(“KeyWord1: this is key word 1”)
        heading1.ID = “KeyWord1”

        Dim cell2 As Cell = row1.Cells.Add(“cell 2”)

        ‘create another table
        table1 = New Table
        table1.ColumnWidths = “200 100”
        table1.IsFirstParagraph = True

        row1 = table1.Rows.Add()
        cell1 = row1.Cells.Add()
        heading1 = New Heading(pdf, sec1, 1)
        heading1.Segments.Add(“KeyWord2: this is key word 2”)
        heading1.ID = “KeyWord2”

        cell2 = row1.Cells.Add(“cell 2”)

        ‘add glossary
        Dim glossary As Text = New Text(“Glossary”)
        glossary.IsFirstParagraph = True
        glossary.TextInfo.FontSize = 20
        glossary.TextInfo.Alignment = AlignmentType.Center

        Dim item1 As Text = New Text(“KeyWord1#$TAB#$REFPAGE(KeyWord1)”)
        item1.TabStops = New TabStops
        Dim stop1 As TabStop = item1.TabStops.Add(380, TabLeaderType.Dot)

        Dim item2 As Text = New Text(“KeyWord2#$TAB#$REFPAGE(KeyWord2)”)
        item2.TabStops = New TabStops
        Dim stop2 As TabStop = item2.TabStops.Add(380, TabLeaderType.Dot)
