Kite Mounted Camera – Take 1

A few weeks ago I mentioned about getting a camera to mount on my kite. Now its here and today was the first try out.

The consumer technology is amazing (especially if you don’t look at stuff for a while). It is only about 90x55x20mm, 7.2mp, 3x zoom, weights 160 grams, 640×480 video at 30fps, 4Gb memory card gives around 1 hour of video time. When inside the waterproof case, total weight 280 grams.

Kite: BEST Waroo 07, 9m.

Mounting method: a strap supplied with the waterproof case attached to the briddle in the center of the kite, the waterproof case taped to the center spar close to the leading edge.

Location: Auckland, North Shore, Shoal Bay.

Conditions: Rough, very gusty southwest, easily 12-25knots or more.

Results: It all works! Quality is great. However, I made a mistake of leaving the camera turned on while not recording. While I was attaching and launching the kite, the camera switched off due to power save mode. It is disappointing as some scary moments due to strong gusts could have been fun to watch again.

Here is a short compilation of what was filmed before launching and later on the ground.

Stay tuned for better footage!

Here is how it should look in the end (I hope my quality with 640×480 and 3x zoom will be much better than in these videos though).