Monthly Archives: February 2007

Rapid Text Format

Please download the latest Aspose.Words 4.1.1 if you want to assess the result of the optimizations applied to RTF import within almost two weeks after release.

Let me boast a bit. Let’s take our old fellow for the testing: a document named Microsoft Office Word 2003 Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification converted to the format it describes, RTF. Why we commonly use it for testing our import/export modules is because it’s well balanced for that purpose: it’s large enough (~8 Mb RTF); … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Words for .NET 4.1.1 Released

This maintenance release includes a number of useful fixes:



Added TxtExportEncoding, TxtExportHeadersFooters, TxtExportParagraphBreak properties.



Document shows the image from the other document when two documents are opened in MS Word simultaneously.



System.ArgumentException during list import.



AllowBreakAcrossPages property value is incorrect after reading from DOC to model.



RowFormat.AllowBreakAcrossPages is sometimes defined incorrectly in nested tables.



InsertImage scales image size to 60%.



Support (char)148 double quotes in merge

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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Cells for Java V1.8.0 Released !

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.8.0!

Following enhancements and fixes are included:

Supports to set active sheet and cell.
Fixes some bugs of setting formulas.
Fixes some bugs of calculating formulas.
Fixes a bug of opening file.
Fixes a bug of coping worksheet.
Fixes a bug of pivot table.
Fixes a bug of validtion.
Fixes a bug of autofilters.
Fixes a bug of freezePanes.

Note: For Aspose.Cells for Java 1.4, we have embedded all classes of retrotranslator-runtime … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose wins 2 awards in ComponentSource’s Top 2006 Awards

USA, Texas – February 9, 2007 ComponentsSource is a leading online software vendor that offers products from over 100 vendors to many thousand customers. Every year, they put together a list of the best selling companies and products that they work with. There are two categories: Bestselling Publisher Awards, and Bestselling Product Awards. Aspose placed in both categories and collected  two awards.

Aspose was awarded a Top 50 Publisher Award. It is very flattering to know that we are … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, News Release |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Changed: Closing the source file after presentation is opened.
  • Fixed: Reading text formatting in notes.
  • Fixed: Reading color of bullets.
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Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, February 2007

In This Issue… 


  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight: Aspose.Workflow
  • Aspose.Words runs on Mono!
  • Aspose.BarCode supports Compact Framework
  • Technical Tip
  • Aspose.Words for .NET 4.0.5 Mega Hotfix

Welcome to the February 2007 issue of the Aspose Newsletter! In this month’s newsletter, we will provide some introductory information about our spotlight product: Aspose.Workflow. We will also cover newly added support for the Compact Framework by Aspose.BarCode and look at the new love story between Aspose.Words and Mono. You will learn about the latest

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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Exceptions Thrown by Document Constructors Got Better

According to many customers’ requests, we have improved design and documentation related to exceptions thrown by the Document class constructors. This is a new improvement introduced in Aspose.Words for .NET 4.1

The Document class represents a Microsoft Word document in Aspose.Words and a document is loaded from a file or stream using one of the Document constructors.

First, Aspose.Words automatically detects the format of the file (DOC, RTF, HTML or WordML) and then proceeds to load the document appropriately. When … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |