Yearly Archives: 2007

Aspose.Words OOXML import is coming out of Beta soon! Part 1

As you might already know we are working hard to provide great support for Office Open XML in Aspose.Words.

Here is a bit of timeline:

  • 2007-08-22 Aspose.Words for .NET 4.4 with export to Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML (DOCX) released.
  • 2007-10-13 Aspose.Words for .NET 4.4.1 with import of DOCX files Beta released.
  • 2007-12-27 Aspose.Words for Java 2.4 with export to DOCX released.

Since the release in October 2007, import of DOCX files is still in Beta, but we are successfully finalizing … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Concept64 enabled Vivid Word to HTML, PDF conversion and PDF concatenation features using Aspose APIs

About Concept64

At Concept64, we had to design and build a content managed literature section for a health-related website. The client team was going to create and manage the content in MS Word but wanted to make the same available on their website. Registered users shall not only browse the content but download individual articles in PDF format. Additionally, they could combine multiple articles to compile their own collection of articles, and download it all as one PDF file.


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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.PDF Product Family, Aspose.PDF, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Aspose.Words for Java Released

We are very proud to announce that Aspose.Words for Java now supports Export to Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML (DOCX) format!

More Info

The set of DOCX features supported by Aspose.Words is comprehensive. Only the following limitations are applicable in the current version:

·      Embedded OLE objects are exported as pictures, not as OLE objects.

·      VBA projects (macros) and ActiveX controls are not exported to DOCX.

·      Embedded fonts are not exported to DOCX.

·      Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.2 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.9.2!

What’s New?

  • Supports to iterate all cells of one worksheet by one Iterator
  • Supports to copy cells range
  • Supports to get all defined Name objects, including NamedRange object and those objects which are not conventional NamedRange but Name object
  • Supports to unmerge cells
  • Supports to add the line shape

What’s Improved?

  • Remove the 64K rows and 256 columns limitation for Excel2007

What’s Fixed?

  • Fixed a bug of losing merged style when
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Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose.Grid v1.9.4 Released!

Dear Customers,
 We have just released Aspose.Grid v1.9.4.

What’s New?
1. Added Native AJAX Support. Set the new property GridWeb.EnableAJAX to true to activate this new feature. When a cell is changed by a user at the client side, the grid will automatically recalculate the related formulas by using AJAX calls. Note: This feature doesn’t require any other AJAX frameworks.

2. Support Custom Context Menu Items. We just extended the CustomCommandButton class, added a property CommandType. Set this property Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose.Words for .NET 4.4.3 Released

Here is a next release with improvements and fixes to DOCX import (which is still in Beta) and others.


  • A great new feature is support for picture bullets. It was highly demanded by users. Picture bullets are custom images used for bullets instead of text bullets or numbers. Picture bullets are now supported in DOC, RTF, WordML, DOCX and export to PDF formats in Aspose.Words.
  • An important fix for defect 4091 where hyperlink targets in imported DOCX files were altered by Aspose.Words.
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose.Cells – Performance Metrics and Benchmarks

Aspose.Cells and Competitors

Performance Metrics and Benchmarks

Are you getting the performance that you’re paying for?


Performance is very critical factor when choosing a component. This article measures the performance of Aspose.Cells and some similar products. The simple tests are conducted across the same operating system, .NET Framework, hardware components, and similar configurations.

This article presents performance measurements for different products including Aspose.Cells. Performance estimates presented here are intended to help you understand what to expect from different … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose.Cells – Performance Metrics and Benchmarks

Aspose.Cells and Competitors

Performance Metrics and Benchmarks


Are you getting the performance that you’re paying for?




Performance is very critical factor when choosing a component. This article measures the performance of Aspose.Cells and some similar products. The simple tests are conducted across the same operating system, .NET Framework, hardware components, and similar configurations.


This article presents performance measurements for different products including Aspose.Cells. Performance estimates presented here are intended to help you understand what

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Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Released

This is a maintenance release getting us a bit closer to perfect conversion of RDL reports to editable Microsoft Word documents. We have fixed a number of bugs reported by our users as well as polished the export by adding and debugging some more smart conversion algorithms. Besides, we have changed the way some report items (such as table rows) are exported.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed a number of issues when exporting reports to editable Word documents.

To download visit Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Support for Multi-Targeting in Visual Studio 2008

Like many other developers working with .NET Framework, I too have both Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 installed on my system. The reason being that I occasionally need to develop applications which must work on target systems which only have .NET Framework 1.1. Now I have become quite used to the IDE of Visual  Studio 2005 and enjoy the various features which make programming easy. So when ever I have to switch to Visual Studio 2003 for development, … Continue Reading

Posted in Muhammad Rashid |