Yearly Archives: 2006

What Will Come When Windows Get Closed?

The history of Microsoft Windows counts more than 20 years. Every new version of this operating system provides us with new features, new level of security, nicer interface. We currently have Windows XP which is extremely popular (maybe the most popular OS ever). We are looking forward to the mighty, stylish, and shining Vista. The enigmatic successor to Vista, code-named Blackcomb, was recently renamed to Vienna…

It is obvious that Windows is flourishing. It is also obvious that the recession is inevitable. So what will … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Why Find and Replace Could be so Complex in Aspose.Words

The other day a customer asked how he can replace a piece of text in a Word document with a hyperlink To answer this seemingly simple question, Vladimir quickly created an example. I think the example is very smart, many thanks to Vladimir. You can see the code here

But the example at the same time is very complex. I cringe that our Aspose.Words object model requires to write such tricky code to do a simple operation such as this find and … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Your Chance to Influence the Future of Aspose.Words

We successfully raised several features or development issues for public discussion before. Those resulted in useful outcomes (for example ImportFormatMode). We intend to continue seeking feedback from the users of Aspose.Words how you want to see the product grow and evolve.

At the moment two more topics are available for you to comment on:

Points or Twips?

Do We Need More Namespaces?… Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Bad Looking Metafiles

.NET Framework is surely very powerful but some things are just weird. Goodness knows why Microsoft decided to implement rendering metafiles (such as WMFs and EMFs) and converting them to bitmaps using no smoothing thus eliminating all benefits of vector graphics. They could at least provide some option to choose whether or not to use anti-aliasing but they didn’t do that. Applications including MS Word do render metafiles properly but you will get ugly output trying to render them using System.Drawing.Graphics, especially if your metafile … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Aspose.AdHoc hotfix Released

Dear Customers,

We’re released Aspose.AdHoc hotfix

In this hotfix,

  • Fixed the crash in Distinct function.

  • Thanks.… Continue Reading
    Posted in Kyle Huang |

    Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java Released

    Dear Customers,

    We have released Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java

    Aspose.Words for Java is a close port of our very popular Aspose.Words for .NET.

    Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java corresponds to the set of features available in Aspose.Words 3.3 for .NET with the following exceptions:

    • Import and export of HTML is not yet supported.
    • Export to PDF is not yet supported.
    • Images and drawing objects in documents are not supported.

    Aspose.Words Product Documentation is being updated to include information for both .NET … Continue Reading

    Posted in Roman Korchagin |

    Aspose launches Java product line with Aspose.Words for Java

    Australia, Sydney – January 31, 2006 – “When we started,” says Ben Li, Team Leader, Aspose Sydney Team, “we were looking to create useful class libraries and other solutions to help .NET developers work faster. In the four years since we started, we have been successful doing just that. Our products have been so successful that users have asked us to support more platforms. We decided to do as they asked.”

    Ben is talking about the launch of Aspose.Words for … Continue Reading

    Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, News Release |

    A great RSS Feed Reader…

    Recently I found out that I was missing out on one of the newest and best sources of information on the web… Blogs.  Not really Blogs as much as RSS feeds.  There were a few different Blogs that I would visit from time to time (and some daily, like Aspose : ) … however, that was about the extent of my Blog experience.  I’d seen the catchy little, orange RSS icons (and subscribe links)… even clicked on a few and… Continue Reading
    Posted in Danny Cooper |

    QLBS Generates High Fidelity Complex Reports in various formats within seconds using APIs

    About QuantumLeap.Pro

    QLBS company logo

    QLBS was founded in New Zealand in 2002 by Steve Lewin, a brilliant business consultant, and technologist.  We are based in New Zealand where innovation happens ‘on the edge’. It is no coincidence that the first cloud accounting system came from New Zeland. And after cloud accounting comes cloud compliance – and we are it. ​

    We installed a version of Aspose.Words for .NET (3.4) having installed v2.5 about July last year (2005). Prior to Aspose, I … Continue Reading

    Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

    Childish Exception

    When working on Aspose.Word.Viewer (under .NET 1.1), I suddenly got a System.ArgumentException. The “bad” line looked harmlessly:

    Brush brush = pen.Brush;

    The error message was: You may not change this Pen because it does not belong to you. The wording of the message was strange. What did I have to do to own that Pen and how could I change that Pen by reading its property?

    Since the MSDN library knew nothing about exceptions that might be thrown when accessing Pen.Brush, I searched the Internet. The … Continue Reading

    Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |