Yearly Archives: 2006

Upcomming Aspose.ASPXpand

Dear Customers,

Our develop team is working hard to deliver the next version ( of Aspose.ASPXpand these days. There will be a big improvement in this new release. Here is some features preview from our developers:

A new name space called WebControls will be added. Several new web form controls will be exposed under this namespace, which enables developers to easily design ASP.NET applications without deeply involved into Javascript programming and debugging. For example, a text box with an input mask.

Our target is to provide a suite of web … Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Optimized for speed creation and changing of tables.
  • Fixed: Exception if presentation have negative values instead of font size.
  • Fixed: Losing bullet character on slide cloning.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Optimized for speed creation and changing of tables.
  • Fixed: ArgumentException “emSize should be greate than 0…”. Some presentations (broken?) have negative value instead of font size.
  • Fixed: Losing bullet character on slide cloning.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Words for Java 1.0.1 Released

New Features

  • Both JDK 1.4 and 1.5 are now supported. There are two separate Aspose.Words jars included in the download.
  • Aspose.Total for Java licenses are supported.
  • Added to Java OutputStream.


  • Added public constants to StyleIdentifier, VisitorAction and InlineShapeType. 
  • Added proper Styles.getByStyleIdentifier method.
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Chart 3.1.2 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.1.2.

Fixed: ToolTip is not displayed when chart type Pie or Doughnut.
Fixed: Exception when data point value is too large (any number larger than 9 digits) and chart type Pie or Doughnut.… Continue Reading

Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Welcome to more resellers

Aspose Sales are continuing to add resellers to our list of partners. In the past 2 weeks, we have added Microway which has 2 locations in Australia and 1 location in New Zealand. We have added Adept. They are our first reseller in Greece. We also have another first for Russia, Softline Corporation. Today, we have added Micrographics. They are located in India. Our list of partners is growing tremendously. We are excited about new partners and the chance to Continue Reading

Posted in Merit Cooper |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Shape.isHidden() and Shape.setHidden() functions. Don’t export hidden shapes to svg.
  • Fixed: Losing bullet’s and text’s font on cloning slides to another presentation.
  • Fixed: NullPointerException on export to svg.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Updated msi installer. .NET 2.0 Framework (2.0.50727) added to dependency checking.
  • PDF generation little optimized by speed.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Grid 1.5.2 released!

We have released Aspose.Grid 1.5.2!

Release Notes


  • Fixed: client-side setting color bug
  • Fixed: TableStyle/TableItemStyle CssClass property doesn’t take effect bug
  • Support Creating Pivot Table Reports
  • Support client-side multi-cells select/copy/cut/paste/set style
  • Support client-side right-click menu operations: freeze/unfreeze; insert/delete row/column; merge/unmerge cells;
  • Support Hyperlinks(Text or Image Display, UrlLink or CellCommand Action)
  • Added properties: ActiveCell, EnableClientColumnOperations, EnableClientFreeze, EnableClientMergeOperations, EnableClientRowOperations, SelectCells
  • Added Methods: WebCells.GetColumnReadonly, WebCells.SetColumnReadonly, WebCells.GetRowReadonly, WebCells.SetRowReadonly
  • Added events: SheetDataUpdated, LoadCustomData(for Sessionless mode data recovering), CellCommand, ColumnDeleted, ColumnInserted, RowDeleted, RowInserted, PageIndexChanged
  • Changed: Now
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Posted in Henry Xu |

Aspose.ASPXpand released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.ASPXpand!  

What’s included in this release:

  •  Added a new function named SetupMaxLength
    This function can be used to limite the maximum number of characters in the multi-line TextBox,and the overload list is :
         SetupMaxLength(TextBox textBox,int maxLength)
         SetupMaxLength(TextBox textBox,int maxLength,string alertMessage)
     The second function will alert the specified alertMessage if the number of characters have reached the maxLength.

  •  Added new overloading to SetMask() functions
        SetMask(Page page,TextBox textBox,string mask,bool alwaysSet,string regx,string alertMessage)
    It allow you
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Posted in Kyle Huang |