Yearly Archives: 2006

Aspose.Flash released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: FlashBitmap.BitmapType and FlashBitmap.PixelSize properties.
  • New: Improved compression of Gif images.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Code Examples for Aspose.Words

Aspose.Words (and probably other Aspose components) have been plagued by lack of code examples in the API Reference.

Now we have a great new system that allows us, developers, to build code examples easily and we are putting it into heavy use. As of Aspose.Words 3.6 we included a great deal of new code examples, both for C# and VB.NET into the Aspose.Words API Reference. Our first goal is to provide at least one code example for each class, but … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Words 3.6 Released

New Features

  • Added a lot of new code examples to the API. Both in C# and VB.NET. The work on code examples continues, we will eventually have examples for all members.
  • Added a new demo project DocumentExplorer. Not only it provides more example code, but it is a useful tool on its own. You can open a document in HTML or DOC format, explore the nodes of the document object model and save the document as DOC, HTML or PDF.
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Flash released!

Dear Customers,

In 1.2.0 release we offer new improved and simple images processing.
DefineBits, DefineBitsJPEG2, DefineBitsJPEG3, DefineBitsLossless and DefineBitsLosless2 classes were replaced
with only one powerful class FlashBitmap. This class allows to add images to flash movie (images in any format
supported by .NET framework can be used except metafiles) or read images stored in SWF file.

FlashBitmap constructor offer 2 parameters to choose one of seven different encoding formats.
FlashBitmapType parameter represents encoder which is used to compress image.
Also quality of 24/32bpp color images can be optionally reduced to … Continue Reading

Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: OleObjectFrame becomes PictureFrame after slide cloning.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Aspose.Slides can insert placeable wmf metafiles to a presentation now.
  • Fixed: OleObjectFrame becomes PictureFrame after slide cloning.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Grid 1.6 released!

Dear Customers,
We have just released Aspose.Grid 1.6!
Enhancement and Bugfix in this release:
1. Add Full Support for none IE browsers, including Mozilla, FireFox and Opera.
2. Add GridWeb. EnableClientResizeColumnRow property.
3. Support relative path when use CustomStyleFileName.
1. Support Exporting to DataTable.
2. Rename DataBind() method to ImportDataTable().
3. Fixed the ColumnControl bug that Combox or CheckBox control does not work well.
4. Add Values collection to Combox control.
5. Support Data Binding.

Changes Since Aspose.Grid release 1.5.0

Aspose.Grid 1.5.3
Aspose.Grid 1.5.2
Aspose.Grid 1.5.1… Continue Reading

Posted in Henry Xu |

Aspose.Words for Java 1.0.2 Released

  • Add IMailMergeDataSource interface to allow mail merge from any user defined data source.
  • Tidied up clone methods naming convention (renamed all clone methods into deepClone).
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Slides for Java

The main new feature of this release is support for Wmf/Emf metafiles. It’s possible to add metafiles to slides now.
To work with metafiles you have to purchase our new “Aspose.Metafiles for Java” library.

Both placeable and non-placeable wmf metafiles are supported as well as any emf files.
Creating thumbnail of a slide with metafiles is coming soon.

Also fixed problem with PP2003 SP2 when it couldn’t open presentation if any… Continue Reading
Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Cells for Java V1.5.0 Released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.5.0!
Following enhancements and fixes are included:

  • Supports to create custom chart
  • Supports to set chart page setup and option
  • Supports to add chart X/Y Errorbars
  • Supports to copy row/column
  • Other enhancement and fixes since v1.4
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Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |