Yearly Archives: 2006

Aspose.Cells for .NET v4.0.2 Released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for .NET v4.0.2!

  • Supports to autofit rotated text
  • Added new InsertRows/DeleteRows method
  • Supports to create encrypted file based on encrypted template file
  • Shaped InsertRange method
  • Added new C# chart demos
  • Fixed bug while loading file with UNC hyperlinks
  • Fixed bug in formatting cells with an Aspose created Excel file in some cases
  • Shaped formula calculation engine
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Posted in Laurence Chen |

Aspose.Network Released

Aspose.Network 3.0 is the next major official release version of our comprehensive network programming components

Here is what’s new in Aspose.Network 3.0:

  • Unique Object Model for E-Mail creating and parsing functions. The MailMessage class provides the unique and simple entry for creating and parsing E-Mail messages.
      //Load outlook message format file (*.msg) to MailMessage instance
      MailMessage message = MailMessage.Load(@”../message.msg”, MessageFormat.Msg);
      SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(“localhost”,”test001″, “test”);
      //Send the message via Smtp
  • Enhanced IMAP component for adding more
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Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Cells for Java V1.7.1 Released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java V1.7.1!
Following enhancements and fixes are included:

  • Supports to import content and styles of the cells from SpreadsheetML file
  • Supports to export content and styles of the cells to SpreadsheetML file
  • Supports formula’s calculation engine
  • Supports to set R1C1 formula
  • Supports another two data source types of PivotTable
  • Fixes some bugs of adding PivotTable .

Note: We remove the const CellValueType.FORMULA and add Cell.isFormula() method to decide whether the cell contains formula.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose.Grid Wiki – More Better Now

Dear Customers,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

We are glad to announce that Aspose.Grid Wiki has just got better than before. We have made many enhancements to Aspose.Grid Wiki that are listed below:

  • Topics are arranged in a precise manner to make them look more organized.
  • Programmer’s Guide is completely re-created.
  • Each topic is illustrated with code snippets (in C# & VB.NET) & related screenshots.
  • Technical Articles section is created that provides more useful information to customers on HowTo’s topics with the
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Posted in Salman Sarfraz |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.8 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.8.

  • Fixed: Custom labels are located incorrectly when AxisLabel.IsCustomLabelMarkerVisible = false.
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Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

Anybody using bool Node.HasInnerText?

Anybody using bool Node.HasInnerText? Let me know if you are.

We are planning to extend the public API with auto shapes soon and we cannot go without critically looking at the existing API. The Node.HasInnerText property is just one of the few members that now seem like not adding much value to the API and we consider removing it.

Also, let us know (here or in the forums) if you have any questions or suggestions about the public API. Something you would … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Grid 1.7.2 Released!

Dear Customers,
We have released Aspose.Grid 1.7.2!
Fixes and Enhancements in this release:
1. Added “Hierarchical View” feature in Data Binding mode.
2. Fixed some formatting problems when running with none English locale settings.
3. Added GridWeb.DisplayCellTip property to let you enable/disable the default tooltips of cells.
4. Added GridWeb.NoScroll property.
5. Improved performance of adding/deleting rows/columns.
6. Creating hyperlinks in column headers supported.
7. Creating cell-command in binding columns supported.
8. Supports column headers clicking and sorting.

Aspose.Grid.Desktop… Continue Reading

Posted in Henry Xu |

Aspose MVP Program!

Aspose has recently started a MVP (most valuable professional) program.  The Aspose MVP program is a way for us to recognize and reward outstanding individuals who not only manage to do a wonderful job for their company but also find time to make large contributions to the Aspose community. 

For more details on the new program, please visit the Aspose MVP program overview.… Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

New MailMerge features in Aspose.Network

Aspose.Network 3.0 makes it simpler and easier to create E-Mail newsletter or subscription solutions. A new sophisticated E-Mail Template Engine is embeded, which provides lots of cool features and function and greatly reduce the the programming works.

Top Features in MailMerge:

  • The First Email Component supports using Customer Defined Function in the template. For example, you can register a TemplateRoutine, and use it in the template file.
  • Creates E-mail template from file
  • Creates E-mail template from MailMessage instance
  • Supports
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Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Chart 3.2.7 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.2.7.

Added: AxisLabel.IsCustomLabelMarkerVisible.… Continue Reading

Posted in Oleg Korostylev |