Aspose.Words Development Celebrates 3 Years

It is about this time of year in 2003 we started work on Aspose.Words.

Aspose.Word 1.0 was released in December 2003. Now, after 3 years of hard work, we’ve just released Aspose.Words 4.0.0 for .NET.

Here are some statistics from the Aspose.Words project:

  • 205K lines of C# code.
  • Over 170 public members in the API.
  • 1,110 classes in total.
  • Over 2,450 unit tests.
  • Approximately 2,200 documents for automatic regression tests.
  • 2,888 threads and 12,466 posts in the support forums.

Aspose.Words has come a long way. From a minimalistic reader/writer for Microsoft Word documents, it has grown to provide:

  • Comprehensive support (we estimate over 95%) for the features of Microsoft Word documents including shapes, graphics and OLE objects.
  • Reliably read and write Microsoft Word 97 to Microsoft Word 2007 DOC files.
  • High-fidelity convert to RTF and WordprocessingML.
  • Read and write HTML and XHTML.
  • Convert documents to PDF (when used with Aspose.Pdf) with a great degree of fidelity to Microsoft Word.
  • Populate documents with data from various data sources.
  • Add document content and formatting easily, using a “builder” like approach.
  • Programmatically access individual elements of the document and their formatting.
  • A Java version of Aspose.Words that is closely ported after the C# version.

I would like to thank everybody who helped Aspose.Words to succeed:

  • Customers, who provided invaluable feedback in the support forums and helped us to gather a great database of test documents.
  • Aspose.Words developers and support who worked very hard and smart.
  • All other teams at Aspose who provided help and resources.

Looking forward for more exciting features from the Aspose.Words team.

Tip: Did you know that when you purchase a license from Aspose, you actually buy a 1-year subscription that includes free upgrades to any new versions for 1 year. With Aspose products, it is always a good idea to upgrade whenever possible because we are very active at development. It is a good chance that your subscription has not yet expired and you can get Aspose.Words 4.0.0 for free.