Monthly Archives: September 2006

Aspose.Words for Java Released

In this version:

  • Updated Aspose.Words for Java API Reference. It is always up to date now since it is auto-generated from C# XML documentation with appropriate changes for Java.
  • Ported the DocumentExplorer demo to Java, added as a demo project.
  • Added basic PDF export using iText to the demo projects. Note this export is very basic and is only intended to show how to extract content from a Word document using Aspose.Words. It is not suitable for production PDF
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Flash for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Reading DefineShape records.
  • Fixed: Reading Flash 7 non smoothed bitmaps.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers,

   We have released Aspose.Workflow HotFix,  it contains:

Feature Added:

  • Add asyncrhonized tool agent execute, user can add “Tool.Execute.Asynchronize” to the ToolAgent extended attributes. and set the value to “true”, then the tool agent will be executed in a sperate thread. this feature requested by a customer.

Bug Fixed:

  • Change the table persistence order to avoid dead lock
  • When there is only .NET 2.0 installed, the installer will fail, now it fixed. 

Please get the newest version from … Continue Reading

Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Chart 3.3.0 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.3.0.

  • Added: Windows Forms versions for demos projects:
  • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.Win.csproj
  • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.VisualBasic.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.VisualBasic.Win.vbproj
  • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.Win.csproj
  • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.Win.vbproj
  • Added: Example of printing chart
    • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.Win.csproj
    • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.Win.vbproj
  • Added: Example of filling of the series from a database
    • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.csproj
    • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.Win.csproj
    • [Aspose Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.vbproj
    • [Aspose.Chart install directory]\Demos\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.Win\Aspose.Chart.Demos.SimpleApp.VisualBasic.Win.vbproj
  • Added: Aspose.Chart.BackImage.Image
  • Continue Reading
    Posted in Oleg Korostylev |

    Class Design: Which is the Best?

    What class design do you prefer? I assume most of you follow Microsoft guidelines, and it’s reasonable. However, practice shows that not all the recommendations should be blindly obeyed. I don’t imply here fundamental rules like “never make instance fields public” (yet this also might be broken in some rare cases – imagine you have an internal class representing a low-level data structure with several hundred fields!). I’m rather speaking of naming conventions, order of members, and some other stuff related … Continue Reading

    Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

    A Bit More About Nemerle and Functions

    After posting my first impression about Nemerle I noticed that I had been criticized by some community members for my superficial knowledge of the language and related concepts. I like constructive criticism and I do accept it; so I’m thankful to those guys for pointing me to that.

    However, I’d like to note I didn’t try to pose as an expert. I only expressed my current understanding of the language and I advisedly highlighted that in the post. So I … Continue Reading

    Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |


    So we have almost finished another major release of Aspose.Words. We’re happy to note how greatly the component evolves and improves despite it’s still pretty young by the standards of software industry. It’s less than 3 years old but it’s already the subject to imitate

    Among other cool features, two highly requested formats have been added to the component’s arsenal, Rich Text Format (RTF) and WordprocessingML (WordML). One of the areas I’m responsible for is RTF export (will start working on import … Continue Reading

    Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

    Going Transitional (exporting to XHTML)

    A number of customers asked for Aspose.Words to produce XHTML compliant HTML when exporting and I’m happy to tell you that we did it.

    Aspose.Words used to output some unclosed tags, for example <meta …> that were okay from HTML point of view, but precluded customers from using those as XML files.

    Starting from Aspose.Words 4.0, we always output well-formed XML when exporting to HTML format. It is the main point that we addressed. We also validate almost all produced test … Continue Reading

    Posted in Roman Korchagin |

    Happy Import of HTML Tables and CSS Length Units

    There’s been a public outcry for Aspose.Words inability to import CSS length units other than points. A related issue was about Aspose.Words throwing exceptions when encountering HTML that it cannot recognize. Yet another popular support issue was about HTML tables, that when imported, had cell and table widths quite different from the original.

    We are happy to announce all of these issues were addressed in Aspose.Words 4.0.

    All CSS length units (except em and ex at this stage) are now supported. … Continue Reading

    Posted in Roman Korchagin |

    Pretty Format HTML, RTF and WordML Output

    Did you know that in Aspose.Words 4.0 you can turn an option on to pretty format output to HTML, RTF and WordML files?

    This could be very useful for you when looking at these files in a text editor trying to figure out what happens with certain document elements or formatting.

    doc.SaveOptions.ExportPrettyFormat = true;
    doc.Save(@”C:\MyFile.html”, SaveFormat.FormatHtml);
    doc.Save(@”C:\MyFile.xml”, SaveFormat.FormatWordML);
    doc.Save(@”C:\MyFile.rtf”, SaveFormat.FormatRtf);

    The above code will produce human-readable documents with line breaks and indentation. This option is turned off by default.

     … Continue Reading

    Posted in Roman Korchagin |