Aspose.Total Demos Release 1.3

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We have released a new version (1.3) of Aspose.Total Northwind Demos. The change summary for this release is described below:

Change Summary

  • Email Demo Application (Email.aspx) is almost re-created with the latest version of Aspose.Network ( In this demo, Use Default SMTP Settings feature is added to make it quick for users to use the demo. File Attachments feature is optimized according to latest release of Aspose.Network. FreeTextBox is used instead of a simple TextArea for typing email message. Using FreeTextBox control, now users can create and send Html emails containing more rich content. Spell Check feature is enabled in FreeTextBox control to help users in checking spells of their email message. An exciting feature added to this demo is the support of EML files that is the feature of latest version of Aspose.Network. Now, users cannot only open an existing EML file using Open button of FreeTextBox control but also Save and download their email message as an EML file by clicking the Save button of FreeTextBox. This Email Demo is also integrated with other demos of Aspose.Total for providing emailing feature.
  • Default Page of Aspose.Total Demos (Default.aspx) is modified to contain an updated description of Email Demo Application.
  • Open File Dialog (OpenFile.aspx) is modified to accomodate opening EML files feature in Email Demo Application.
  • Save File Dialog (SaveFile.aspx) is modified to accomodate saving EML files feature in Email Demo Application.
  • Spell Checker Dialog (SpellChecker.aspx) got a little fluke that is also fixed.

Download Aspose.Total Northwind Demos

Aspose.Total Northwind Demos are released in both C# and VB.NET versions that can be downloaded from their download links given below:

  • Aspose.Total Northwind Demos [C#] [Download]
  • Aspose.Total Northwind Demos [VB.NET] [Download]
Other Useful Links:
Aspose.Total Online Demos:
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