Aspose.Words is a market leader, confirmed

I’ve recently seen a new component from a respectable vendor that copied a lot from what we invented and successfully used in the Aspose.Words mail merge engine.

The copying struck me because it was so exact and apparent. They borrowed the exact syntax for mail merge regions, mail merge events etc.

We don’t have anything against someome copying someone else’s API. In fact, I hope it is perfectly legal since Aspose.Words itself tries to be friendly and familiar to all .NET and MS Office developers by borrowing the best from Micrsofot Word Automation, System.Xml and drawing on all .NET Framework design guidelines in general.

But hold on, that must be the key. If someone copies what you are doing, you must be doing something really good.

This just leaves me to say thank you for using Aspose.Words, the best MS Word document processing component on the market. Watch this space for more exciting innovations from the Aspose.Words team.