Comming Aspose.Network 3.1

One of the major scenarios for email solution is to send out thousands of messages or newsletters to customers. It is a little bit difficult task for developers to work out such an email solution on a tight schedule, for the complex network programming and complicated business requirement.

We know the troubles in such case, and always try to eliminate them. In the Aspose.Network 3.0, the E-Mail message bulk sending is greately improved, for the introducing multi-threading, and template-based mail merge.

Moreover, Another E-Mail Queque component is already under development, which will be released in Aspose.Network 3.1. This E-Mail Queque will enable developers easily setup a queque for sending out thousands of messages , and provide other advanced features like configuration, error logging, failed delivery messages saving, ect.This E-Mail Queque will work as a windows service, without any dependancy except .net framework.

We think it could be a great tool to eliminate the job for the developers whose want to build a newsletter system. If you have any good idea, please feel free to let me know.