New MailMerge features in Aspose.Network

Aspose.Network 3.0 makes it simpler and easier to create E-Mail newsletter or subscription solutions. A new sophisticated E-Mail Template Engine is embeded, which provides lots of cool features and function and greatly reduce the the programming works.

Top Features in MailMerge:

  • The First Email Component supports using Customer Defined Function in the template. For example, you can register a TemplateRoutine, and use it in the template file.
  • Creates E-mail template from file
  • Creates E-mail template from MailMessage instance
  • Supports DataTable as data source.
  • Supports DataRowCollection as data source
  • Supports DataReader as data source
  • Asynchronous and Synchronous programming models
  • Support Event model


A new class called TemplateEngine is created, for generating the E-Mail messages from the template and data source. After the E-Mail messages is created by the TemplateEngine , Use the SmtpClient to send the messages.



 //template routine to provide signature
 static object GetSignature(object[] args)
    return “John Smith<br>Product Lead<br>Aspose Ltd.<br>” + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

 static void Main(string[] args)

 //create a new MailMessage instance as a template
 MailMessage template = new MailMessage();
 //add template field to subject
 template.Subject = “Hello, #FirstName#”;
 template.From = “”;
 //add template field to receipt
 template.To.Add(new MailAddress(“#Receipt#”, false));
 //add template field to html body
 //use GetSignment as the template routine, which will provide the same signature.

 template.HtmlBody = “Dear #FirstName# #LastName#,<br><br>”;
 template.HtmlBody += “Thank you for your interest in <STRONG>Aspose.Network</STRONG>.”;
 template.HtmlBody += “<br><br>Have fun with it.<br><br>#GetSignature()#”;
 //create a new TemplateEngine with the template message.
 TemplateEngine engine = new TemplateEngine(template);
 //register the GetSignment as a templet routine, for we use it in the template.
 engine.RegisterRoutine(“GetSignature”, new TemplateRoutine(GetSignature));

 //fill a DataTable as data source
 DataTable dt = new DataTable();
 dt.Columns.Add(“Receipt”, typeof(string));
 dt.Columns.Add(“FirstName”, typeof(string));
 dt.Columns.Add(“LastName”, typeof(string));

 DataRow dr;
 dr = dt.NewRow();
 dr[“Receipt”] = “Nancy.Davolio<>”;
 dr[“FirstName”] = “Nancy”;
 dr[“LastName”] = “Davolio”;
 dr = dt.NewRow();
 dr[“Receipt”] = “Andrew.Fuller<>”;
 dr[“FirstName”] = “Andrew”;
 dr[“LastName”] = “Fuller”;
 dr = dt.NewRow();
 dr[“Receipt”] = “Janet.Leverling<>”;
 dr[“FirstName”] = “Janet”;
 dr[“LastName”] = “Leverling”;
 MailMessageCollection messages;
   //create the messages from the template and datasource.
   messages= engine.Instantiate(dt);

   SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(“”, 25, “someone”,”password”);

   client.BulkSendAsync(messages, null);
 catch (MailException ex)
 catch (SmtpException ex)



//template routine to provide signature
 Shared Function GetSignature(ByVal args() As Object) As Object
     Return “John Smith<br>Product Lead<br>Aspose Ltd.<br>” + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
 End Function

 Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

 ‘create a new MailMessage instance as a template
 Dim template As MailMessage = New MailMessage()
 ‘add template field to subject
 template.Subject = “Hello, #FirstName#”
 template.From = “”

 ‘add template field to receipt
 template.To.Add(New MailAddress(“#Receipt#”,False))
 ‘add template field to html body
 ‘use GetSignment as the template routine, which will provide the same signature.
 template.HtmlBody = “Dear #FirstName# #LastName#,<br><br>”
 template.HtmlBody += “Thank you for your interest in <STRONG>Aspose.Network</STRONG>.”
 template.HtmlBody += “<br><br>Have fun with it.<br><br>#GetSignature()#”

 ‘create a new TemplateEngine with the template message.
 Dim engine As TemplateEngine = New TemplateEngine(template)
 ‘register the GetSignment as a templet routine, for we use it in the template.
 engine.RegisterRoutine(“GetSignature”,New TemplateRoutine(GetSignature))

 ‘fill a DataTable as data source
 Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
 dt.Columns.Add(“Receipt”, Type.GetType(String))
 dt.Columns.Add(“FirstName”, Type.GetType(String))
 dt.Columns.Add(“LastName”, Type.GetType(String))
 Dim dr As DataRow
 dr = dt.NewRow()
 dr[“Receipt”] = “Nancy.Davolio<>”
 dr(“FirstName”) = “Nancy”
 dr(“LastName”) = “Davolio”
 dr = dt.NewRow()
 dr[“Receipt”] = “Andrew.Fuller<>”
 dr(“FirstName”) = “Andrew”
 dr(“LastName”) = “Fuller”
 dr = dt.NewRow()
 dr[“Receipt”] = “Janet.Leverling<>”
 dr(“FirstName”) = “Janet”
 dr(“LastName”) = “Leverling”

 Dim messages As MailMessageCollection
   ‘create the messages from the template and datasource.
   messages= engine.Instantiate(dt)
   Dim smtpClient as New SmtpClient()
   smtpClient.BulkSentAsync(messages, null)

 Catch ex As MailException
  Catch ex As SmtpException
 End Try

 End Sub