Aspose.Words 3.6 Released

New Features

  • Added a lot of new code examples to the API. Both in C# and VB.NET. The work on code examples continues, we will eventually have examples for all members.
  • Added a new demo project DocumentExplorer. Not only it provides more example code, but it is a useful tool on its own. You can open a document in HTML or DOC format, explore the nodes of the document object model and save the document as DOC, HTML or PDF.
  • Added IMailMergeDataSource interface. Now a mail merge is possible from any custom data source.
  • Added more resiliency for opening documents that are not entirely valid.
  • Added more resiliency against creating invalid documents (empty cells, first cell merged to previous, table at end of section).
  • DocumentBuilder InsertXXX methods return the document nodes that they create.


  • Imported table is treated by MS Word as ‘corrupted’ in the resulting document.
  • A document with some textboxes crashes MS Word on open.
  • A metafile throws value is too large for Int16.
  • TextColumns.SetCount to a smaller than current value did not work.
  • Error opening encrypted document with table with more than 9 collumns.
  • Exception when saving a document as HTML with a scaled image of 1×1 pixel in it.
  • Saving to PDF or HTML throws exception when a table contains no rows.
  • An extra table row gets visible when saving as HTML and then loading back into Aspose.Words.
  • Roman Numerals are not exported to PDF correctly.
  • Heading numbering is incorrect when saved in PDF.
  • Some links in table of contents did not work in PDF.
  • InsertHtml sometimes does not stop marking paragraphs as list members.