Aspose.Metafiles for Java released!

Dear Customers,

We have released first version of Aspose.Metafiles for Java.
The main purpose of this new library is:
  • Open wmf/emf metafiles.
  • Read metafile’s information.
  • Convert metafiles to other image formats through creating RenderedImage object.
  • Play metafiles on standard Graphics2D object.
The first release can open both Wmf and Emf and convert/play Emf metafiles.
Converting Wmf files will be available in the next release. The estimated date is May, 1.

Aspose.Slides for Java can use this library when read presentations with metafiles.
For example you can add Wmf/Emf metafiles to a slide.
Also creating thumbnail of slide with metafiles with be available in the future releases.