Monthly Archives: March 2006

Aspose.Cells for .NET V3.7.2 Released!

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Cells for .NET v3.7.2!

  • Enhanced formula calculation engine to support more Excel functions
  • Optimized performance while load Excel files
  • Fixed a bug to export files as SpreadsheetML
  • Fixed a chart TickLabel setting bug
  • Fixed injecting many comments and list validation bug
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Posted in Laurence Chen |

Aspose.Words 3.5.2 Released

New Features

  • Added ClearFormatting method for RowFormat and CellFormat classes.
  • Added SaveOptions.HtmlExportHeadersFooters that specifies whether to output primary headers and footers to HTML.


  • List bullet is exported as asterisk to PDF.
  • Missing table borders when exporting to PDF. 
  • Table with zero width column causes exception when exporting to PDF.
  • A particular image causes exception when exporting to PDF.
  • Document opens with ‘Drop down form field in old format’ error.
  • RowFormat.AllowBreakAcrossPages is not saved.
  • ‘Unknown cell spacing sides’ error when openning
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Development Plan for next generation Aspose.Workflow!

Dear Customers

   We have decided to build Aspose.Workflow next major release (CodeName: Aspose.Workflow.WWF) based on Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation and we will still maintain the old Aspose.Workflow by customer request.
The first release of Aspose.Workflow.WWF will contains following features:
1) Develop under .NET 2.0
2) Based on Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation
3) Fully support WFMC specification
4) Refacted database tables
5) Backwards compatible with Aspose.Workflow.
6) Integrated with Visual Studio 2005

The fist release will be ready in early May, … Continue Reading

Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose.Network Released

Dear Customers,

We’ve released Aspose.Network

What’s new in this release:

  • Fully supports Who Is protocols, which enables .net developers to query the domain information from the WhoIs servers
  • Fixed the bug in Mail components, which failed to display html content in outlook web clients.
  • Updated online Wiki documents
  • More than 10 new demo projects added into the setup package.
  • Included all hotfixes from 2.2.*

Thanks very much.… Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Workflow HotFix Released!

Dear Customers,

     We have released Aspose.Workflow hotfix, it contains

  • Some SQL execution is not prepared, it take long time to finish, now it is fixed
  • Add new API in IPackageAdmin interface, RemoveAllUnusedPackage(),  it used to remove all packages from the repository, which didn’t have any running process instance or there are no any other package refernece the package.
  • Add new feature to the Activity whose join type is “XOR”, when add a extended attribute “JoinType.EndTaskOnOtherTransition” to the activity whose join type
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Posted in Stone Well |

Upcomming Aspose.ASPXpand

Dear Customers,

Our develop team is working hard to deliver the next version ( of Aspose.ASPXpand these days. There will be a big improvement in this new release. Here is some features preview from our developers:

A new name space called WebControls will be added. Several new web form controls will be exposed under this namespace, which enables developers to easily design ASP.NET applications without deeply involved into Javascript programming and debugging. For example, a text box with an input mask.

Our target is to provide a suite of web … Continue Reading

Posted in Kyle Huang |

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Optimized for speed creation and changing of tables.
  • Fixed: Exception if presentation have negative values instead of font size.
  • Fixed: Losing bullet character on slide cloning.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • New: Optimized for speed creation and changing of tables.
  • Fixed: ArgumentException “emSize should be greate than 0…”. Some presentations (broken?) have negative value instead of font size.
  • Fixed: Losing bullet character on slide cloning.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |

Aspose.Words for Java 1.0.1 Released

New Features

  • Both JDK 1.4 and 1.5 are now supported. There are two separate Aspose.Words jars included in the download.
  • Aspose.Total for Java licenses are supported.
  • Added to Java OutputStream.


  • Added public constants to StyleIdentifier, VisitorAction and InlineShapeType. 
  • Added proper Styles.getByStyleIdentifier method.
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Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Chart 3.1.2 Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Chart 3.1.2.

Fixed: ToolTip is not displayed when chart type Pie or Doughnut.
Fixed: Exception when data point value is too large (any number larger than 9 digits) and chart type Pie or Doughnut.… Continue Reading

Posted in Oleg Korostylev |