Aspose.Total Demos Release 1.1

Dear Customers,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

It is to announce that we have recently updated Aspose.Total Demos.

If you want to see them running then please follow the link below:

To download and install these demos on your system, please follow the link below:

Note: All demos are available in both CSharp & VB.NET versions.

Change Summary

  • Aspose.Total Demos are modified to use the latest versions of the Aspose components
  • Email Demo Application is re-built to use the latest API changes in Aspose.Network.Mail component. (Old demo was using Aspose.Email component whose API was different from the newer component)
  • Attachment bug is fixed in Email demo application. (When a file was sent via email from other demo applications like Word Processor / Presentation creator etc. then the attached file was not opened on client side)
  • Adding Text Frame in Line shape throws exception in Presentation Creator Demo Application, which is also now fixed.
  • Aspose.Excel.Web is replaced with Aspose.Grid.Web to add more features to Spread Sheet Creator Demo Application
  • All demos using Aspose.ASPXpand version are modified extensively to use the modified APIs of Aspose.ASPXpand (released on 9th march 2006)
  • An Invoice Creator Demo Application is added that takes input from user and generates an invoice in either Word or PDF format. Users can save the invoices to their computers or send to their email addresses directly. This demo application also utilizes the Barcode technology.
  • A Flash Maker Demo Application is also added that takes input from user in easy steps to add text or shapes with animations to create a flash movie. Users may view the resulting flash movie at the end and then can finally save or send it to their email address.
  • The look and feel of all Aspose.Total Demos is changed to make them look more attractive.