Monthly Archives: January 2006

Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java Released

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java

Aspose.Words for Java is a close port of our very popular Aspose.Words for .NET.

Aspose.Words 1.0 for Java corresponds to the set of features available in Aspose.Words 3.3 for .NET with the following exceptions:

  • Import and export of HTML is not yet supported.
  • Export to PDF is not yet supported.
  • Images and drawing objects in documents are not supported.

Aspose.Words Product Documentation is being updated to include information for both .NET … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose launches Java product line with Aspose.Words for Java

Australia, Sydney – January 31, 2006 – “When we started,” says Ben Li, Team Leader, Aspose Sydney Team, “we were looking to create useful class libraries and other solutions to help .NET developers work faster. In the four years since we started, we have been successful doing just that. Our products have been so successful that users have asked us to support more platforms. We decided to do as they asked.”

Ben is talking about the launch of Aspose.Words for … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, News Release |

A great RSS Feed Reader…

Recently I found out that I was missing out on one of the newest and best sources of information on the web… Blogs.  Not really Blogs as much as RSS feeds.  There were a few different Blogs that I would visit from time to time (and some daily, like Aspose : ) … however, that was about the extent of my Blog experience.  I’d seen the catchy little, orange RSS icons (and subscribe links)… even clicked on a few and… Continue Reading
Posted in Danny Cooper |

QLBS Generates High Fidelity Complex Reports in various formats within seconds using APIs

About QuantumLeap.Pro

QLBS company logo

QLBS was founded in New Zealand in 2002 by Steve Lewin, a brilliant business consultant, and technologist.  We are based in New Zealand where innovation happens ‘on the edge’. It is no coincidence that the first cloud accounting system came from New Zeland. And after cloud accounting comes cloud compliance – and we are it. ​

We installed a version of Aspose.Words for .NET (3.4) having installed v2.5 about July last year (2005). Prior to Aspose, I … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

Childish Exception

When working on Aspose.Word.Viewer (under .NET 1.1), I suddenly got a System.ArgumentException. The “bad” line looked harmlessly:

Brush brush = pen.Brush;

The error message was: You may not change this Pen because it does not belong to you. The wording of the message was strange. What did I have to do to own that Pen and how could I change that Pen by reading its property?

Since the MSDN library knew nothing about exceptions that might be thrown when accessing Pen.Brush, I searched the Internet. The … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Backing Up Aspose.Word Files

I’ve been trying to find a good backup utility for our development environment for long time. I wanted to backup to DVD because it is great in terms of storage space, price and availability. I was trying various programs found by googling, but all to unsatisfactory results. Some were crashing, some did not handle many files well, took hours just counting the files. Some were full of adware.

Today is a great day because I ended up using Firestreamer-RM (Removable Media) from Cristalink … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose.Workflow Wiki and XPDL Designer User Guide

Aspose.Workflow Wiki is finally released to fulfill the learning requirements of our valuable customers. Following improvements are made to Aspose.Workflow Wiki:

  • Demos with their demo guides are added to Aspose.Workflow wiki for the first time to make it easier for customer to use complex demos of Aspose.Workflow easily
  • Like previous wiki releases by our team,  Aspose.Workflow wiki also inherits the same simple style of presenting Aspose.Workflow complex concepts
  • User guide of newly launched XPDL Designer (Process Designing Utility from Aspose.Workflow
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Posted in Salman Sarfraz |

Unit Tests – The Secret of Quality

Before I joined the Aspose Auckland team, I didn’t consider unit testing to be somewhat important or, furthermore, necessary for development. Indeed, the usefulness of unit tests is not too obvious at first glance, especially if the project is not so big. We have to write significant amounts of extra code thus expending extra time and efforts… are there any benefits actually?

Well, unit testing proved to be very important when developing projects consisting of more than several simple classes. … Continue Reading

Posted in Dmitry Vorobyev |

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains:
  • Fixed: Margins between bullets and text on thumbnails.
  • Fixed: System.ArgumentException: “Illegal characters in path.” on export to Pdf from Web applications.
  • Fixed: “PowerPoint found an error…” in MS PowerPoint 2000 after creating presentation by cloning slides.
    Also adding new shapes and changing tables should be more stable after this fix.
Java fix will be published in next 24 hours.
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Posted in Alexey Zhilin |