Monthly Archives: October 2005

Authoring API Help for .NET Projects

I’m looking for a tool that will help me efficiently author quaility API documentation for Aspose.Word and other components. I’ve looked at several commercial and free tools and nothing really suits. It looks like my requirements for a help authoring tool come from a different planet.

1. I want to use C# XML comments to create the API documentation. Therefore, the documentation will essentially be in XML format.

2. I want the documentation for public classes and methods to be … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

About Embedded True Type Fonts in Word Documents

There’ve been several requests from the customers for Aspose.Word to support processing of Word documents with embedded true type fonts. I’ve looked into the issue and there are actually two feature requests around embedded fonts:

  1. Be able to embed fonts in Word documents.
  2. Be able to process (open, modify and save) Word documents with embedded fonts already there.

It looks like True Type fonts are embedded in Word files using some Agfa MicroType Express compression technology. Apparently this compression technology Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |