Aspose.Word 3.0 Released

Dear Customers, We have released Aspose.Word 3.0 This is a major version change because new significant features, highly requested by our customers, were added. While most of the changes are  additions compatible with the previous versions, there are some breaking changes. Although it is straightforward to upgrade any existing code, you need to plan for some time if you consider upgrading to Aspose.Word 3.0.
  • New document object model that allows detailed programmatic control over most of the Word document elements.
  • XmlDocument-like API to create, append, remove document nodes. XPath navigation over document content is supported.
  • Aspose.Word.Viewer Beta that allows to render or print Microsoft Word documents without utlizing Microsoft Word.
Note that while Aspose.Word 3.0 is a fully commercial version tested to our usual high quality standards, Aspose.Word.Viewer Beta included in Aspose.Word.dll is a Beta version and provided as is. No technical support for Aspose.Word.Viewer is provided. Full and free technical support is available as usual for Aspose.Word itself. Be sure to check out updated demo projects, both for Winforms and for ASP.NET. The ASP.NET demo is available online here Aspose.Word.Demos. This knowledge base article lists the breaking changes since Aspose.Word 2.5: Migrating to Aspose.Word 3.0.