Monthly Archives: June 2005

XmlNodeList live or dead, or who broke the contract.

XmlNodeList is an abstract class that represents an ordered collection of XML nodes and it can be returned by XmlNode.ChildNodes, XmlNode.SelectNodes and XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName. The documentation here clearly states that XmlNodeList is a “live” collection so that changes to the children of the node object that it was created from are immediately reflected in the nodes returned by the XmlNodeList properties and methods. The interesting thing is that if you retrieve XmlNodeList using ChildNodes or GetElementsByTagName – it is… Continue Reading
Posted in Roman Korchagin |

We are Looking for a File Format Expert

We have a new position for a “file format expert“ on our team. If you are interested in joining us, please send your resume and expected salary to


Position Description

This is a senior developer position with the objective to develop and support smoothest and fullest possible conversion between various file formats for Aspose.Word.

You will be responsible for maintaining and developing some or all of the Aspose.Word import/export modules: HTML, RTF, WordML and PDF.

You might become … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |