Quick notes on our future product line

This post is an excerpt from a reply posted for a potential customer of Aspose.Word. I put it here for a wider audience purpose only. Thanks for your attention. ………………………………………………………………. Now I would like to address our future product line and I assume you’re interested in it so I would share it with you here at this moment. We’re making .NET components for about 3 years. We have tried to make various components but gradually Aspose is identified by customers to be a file format hacking vendor. We love this identification and we will continue to hack more file formats, for example, this month Aspose.Flash will be a new member in the product line. Currently what we are mainly offering is the file format hacking engines, say, they are UI-less libraries only, except the latest released Aspose.Cells.Web, which is an ASP.NET UI control that enables you to write ASP.NET apps which allow your customers to view and edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheet over Internet browsers. But this is just a start of the product line. We will be expanding over the following directions based these file format hacking engines. 1. Windows/Web editors/viewers. This is what you’re currently most interested. Aspose.Cells.Web is the first product to test the water, similar products for other file formats will follow gradually. You must have an immediate question: When Aspose.Word.Web is available? I hope the Auckland Team leader, Roman, will reply here. I assume he is very interested in this ASP.NET UI control and probably what’s the real problem is development resources in the meantime. To make a long story short, these UI controls will allow you to create a simplified version of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Macromedia Flash, etc., respectively in Windows platform or Web platform. 2. File format readers/writers/converters. Actually all hacking engines are already file format readings/writers/converters except Aspose.Pdf, just a Pdf document writer. Also these hacking engines have some converting features, for example, with Aspose.Pdf and Aspose.Word, you can save a .doc to .pdf. Also most of these products can consume .html files then produce .xls, .doc, .pdf or .ppt. Of course, reading/writing/converting business needs are unlimited and we’re fully dedicated to the mission to read more, write more and convert more. Again, in a summary, we have 100% passion to read, write and convert all popular file formats, no matter their file formats are open or proprietary. 3. Java equivalents. Although Aspose entered into the software component marketplace via Microsoft .NET platform 3 years ago, we never ignore all developers who are developing for Java platform. Recently per customer requests, we have found our business model can be mature enough to explore the Java marketplace, we make it happen. From recent blogs posted at Aspose.Blogs, you can find our first Java product, Aspose.Slides for Java will be coming in early April. Again more and more Java equivalents will be coming gradually.