Monthly Archives: March 2005

Quick notes on our future product line

This post is an excerpt from a reply posted for a potential customer of Aspose.Word. I put it here for a wider audience purpose only. Thanks for your attention. ………………………………………………………………. Now I would like to address our future product line and I assume you’re interested in it so I would share it with you here at this moment. We’re making .NET components for about 3 years. We have tried to make various components but gradually Aspose is identified by Continue Reading
Posted in Ben Li |

Upcoming Article!

We are very excited to announce that this coming month Aspose.Pdf is going to be featured in PC Plus magazine.  PC Plus will offer a fully functional, early version of the product (1.7.3) and will also offer an editorial that explains what all that the component has to offer.  Aspose.Pdf is a very powerful, PDF document management component that offers developers a wealth of PDF creation features.  If you have not had an opportunity to review Continue Reading

Posted in Danny Cooper |

Aspose.Workflow Feature List

This is workflow engine completely based on WFMC and OMG specifications.

1) It is using WFMC’s XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) as its native workflow definition format.

2) In its standard implementation, AsposeWorkflow is a class library which does not create its own threads, and it can be simply embedded in many different environments (from WEB application, from Standalone DOTNET applications).

3) It is very configurable, and all of its “internal” interfaces, as well as complete kernel could be replaced … Continue Reading

Posted in Stone Well |

Aspose Sales – Testimonials

Dear Customers

A testimonial thread has been added in our purchasing forum. If you have received quality service and would like to share with others, please feel free to post your experience. We take pride in our quality of service at Aspose and would like others to learn about it.

If you need any assistance, please contact us.


Merit Cooper
SalesContinue Reading

Posted in Merit Cooper |

Aspose Sales offers Coupons!

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to announce our new arrival of coupons. Now, Aspose can offer your company a coupon with a preset discount that you can use during your checkout. This is a great time saver. If you have recently received a coupon to apply towards your order and are having problems, I will be available to help you. Contact sales. Remember to always help us know who you are by sending us either your username or … Continue Reading

Posted in Merit Cooper |

Aspose.Word Support

Please welcome our new team member Dmitry Vorobyev who is now a dedicated Aspose.Word Technical Support person.

He will be responding to many of your questions in the forums and over email, he will also collect and pass your feedback on to the developers so we can keep improving and growing the product further. Dmitry will also keep an eye open for opportunities to create useful knowledge base articles for most common questions and help improve the product documentation.

I … Continue Reading

Posted in Roman Korchagin |

Aspose Sales – Ticket System

Dear Customers,


Aspose sales is now using a ticket system which helps us handle our emails more efficiently. The ticket system will allow multiple people to manage our sales emails without the fear of losing them or accidentally not seeing them. If you ever send us an email and are not answered within a day or so, please send us another email. Chances are that it didn’t make it through. We generally are very fast in response time. We look Continue Reading

Posted in Merit Cooper |