Announcing Aspose.Tasks for .NET

March 30, 2004 – Sydney, Australia – Aspose.Tasks for .NET allows developers to work with Microsoft Project files from within their own .NET applications. Aspose.Tasks works without Microsoft Automation so it is fast, stable and independent of other applications.

We are developers creating tools for developers, so we know how important it is to work with good products, produce neat code and get help when you need it. We answer all those needs:

  • Our products encapsulate our file format expertise so that you can save the time you would otherwise use developing and testing your own solutions.
  • Our class libraries are powerful and easy to use, ensuring that the code you write to use them is as short and clear as possible. What you write today will be easy to understand tomorrow.
  • Our developers are responsible for technical support. No one knows more about our products than the people who develop them.

Aspose.Tasks for .NET is one in a series of powerful products from Aspose:

  • Aspose.Words, a class library for working with Microsoft Word files in .NET environments, was released in December last year.
  • Aspose.Pdf, a class library for working with Adobe PDF files in .NET applications, was released in March last year.
  • Aspose.Cells, a class library for working with Microsoft Excel files in .NET applications, was released in January last year.

About Aspose

Aspose offers a powerful set of file management components with which developers can create applications which can open, edit, create and save some of the most popular business file formats.

Aspose was founded in 2002, in Sydney, Australia.

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